Wednesday, April 29, 2009

7 Months

I can't believe 7 months have come and gone already! (I am a little behind!) These babies are getting SO big!! I can't even believe it! They are healthy and thriving though and we are so proud of them! The doctor said that so far they are right on track, which is great! They are all getting a bit more demanding which is kinda hard some days. They are to the stage where they want to be moving and playing but can't quite do what they want so they need me to play with them and give them attention. They are also hitting the stage where they just want to be held. I have a hard time getting anything done some days which is hard for me. But I try really hard to put all that aside and just enjoy them! I know this will sound corny....but there is a country song out right now and one of the lines and the biggest points of the song is "It won't be like this for long". It's so true too! So I do try and remember that! This time won't last long and I WILL look back longingly for these days as they grow up!

This little man is so much fun! He continues to be the happy-go-lucky, class clown kind of kid! He is always showing off and being goofy - at only 7 months! :) He has this big grin on his face most of the time. When he wakes up in the morning he is SO happy! I love it. He wakes up laughing and talking to himself just about every day. He goes to sleep great too. Rarely ever cries! Just laughs himself to sleep! He has started eating a lot in the last couple weeks. He is up to about 8 oz during the day and anywhere from 8-12 oz at night. He also started eating some solids, yea. He has tried carrots, squash, peas and green beans. So far all are acceptable. :) He is still rolling a lot but tends to get stuck on his tummy. Does not like that much... He is learning to sit up by himself and can do it (with protection around him) for a minute or two. Is getting pretty coordinated with his hands and is good a putting his bottle in his mouth. He weighs in around 14 1/2 lbs. He is getting so big! He loves to talk and scream on occasion. He is learning to throw pretty good fits that we are trying to address these days. All in all doing great, love this kid!
Blake is still our more serious kind of guy! I think he is going to be such a sweetheart! He just seems to have such a nice sweet personality! He does smile a lot now days only not ever when the camera is on him! This is the "mom is taking MORE pictures look"! He has slowed down in the eating department at about 6 oz during the day and 7 to 8 oz at night. He has also tried all the same veggies but doesn't seem to be quite as excited about them! He makes a lot of funny faces at me when I try to get him to eat! :) We eventually get some down though. We have a bouncy horse (courtesy of Brogan! :)) and Blake LOVES it!! He will bounce all day long! He just laughs and smiles and has the best time in it! He even bounces himself to sleep at times. He is not rolling around or sitting too much yet. He is pretty happy to just lay on his back and kick his legs. We keep thinking he is going to have bruises cause if he's awake he's kicking. That's how we know he awake in the morning - he doesn't make much noise but he kicks! Blake doesn't like to go to sleep and cries/whines for about 5-10 min. He is weighing around 15 1/2lbs. He is starting to talk and laugh a lot which is SO cute! Blake is such a fun baby and we love him so much!

And last but not least our little lady! Madison is such a little spitfire! It's so funny to see how different these three are! She is just full of life! When she is happy - boy is she happy! When she is mad - boy is she mad! :) She laughs a lot and loves her daddy! She is getting very interactive which is so fun to see. She is also so good and rolling and moving around! Although, she does get stuck on her tummy also and HATES it!! She gets SO SO mad! She is very cooridinated too and can grab anything, and it goes straight to her mouth! :) Madi is eating about 5 oz during the day and 6oz at night. She LOVES her veggies and does not like having to share them with the boys. She loves all the toys but only for a short time each. I spend a lot of time switching toys and positions to keep her happy. She sits up pretty well as long as we are around to catch her. She also LOVES to be outside. I think she would be happy all day if I had her out there. She weighs about 12lbs and is finally starting to chunk up. (For Madison anyway, she is still pretty teeny) She does not like going to bed either. Although she get's her fussing done pretty quick. She is a master back archer!! Her falling asleep routine is some serious back arching, LOUD grunting and her neck bent back as far as possible! :) But it only takes about 2 minutes. She is fun kid and we love her!

1 comment:

Karli said...

So fun to see you the other day. I love you and those babies. And, I woke up this morning with a sore throat and went in to the doc to find out I have a sinus infection, so watch the kids. I doubt it passed to them-the doctor made it sound like that was rare and would require a lot of kissing/hugging/touching, etc.

anyway, sorry i didn't know that when i came! and we'll just stay on top of next week. love you!