Sunday, January 9, 2011

{Project 365} January 8th and 9th

Another post without pictures - who wants that??? But our computer is giving out on us so I can't access my pictures. It was another SICK day in our house today. I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel though. Jason - ready for this - took a SICK day today!!!! I know, the world must be ending. :) I think it was good for him though and I sure hope he feels better. Poor guy is REALLY feeling terrible. No sleep again last night for either of us. I ended up with both boys in bed with me and Jas took Madison out in the recliner. Yea, toooo many of these nights. They must end soon, hopefully tonight. But the Lord is getting us through and giving strength that you know must come from him cause there is NO where else it could come from! :)

I saw a lot more smiles and a little play time today so that is a good sign. I miss all the laughing and silliness! Even just a couple minutes of dancing and running. (LOVE toddler dancing!!) Which was quickly followed by crying and coughing fits. But it's a start. Well I better go get an early start just in case our bad record continues...

Saddest Moment of the Sick Day:
Madison following me very sadly around the house as I was caring for the kids. I stopped in the kitchen and she plopped down on the floor. I told her I would be just a minute and then I would hold her. I turned around a minute later and she was laying flat on her stomach on the little rug in front of my stove - sound asleep. Yep, pretty cute but broke my heart!! I scooped her up and took her somewhere more comfortable!

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