We had a super fun day at Roaring Springs last Monday! Sheila and I recruited some help (Both our Moms and Kristen!) so that we could take all our kiddos to play in the water. We had a blast, for the most part... :)

Cameron has decided this summer he HATES the water. Whines and cries anytime he has to get near it. Last year he was my fish, not sure what happened. By the end of the day he finally would step in the water, all on his own. The rest of the day he was happy to sit in a chair in the shade and watch everyone have fun. Silly guy.

Madison had the love/hate relationship. One minute she loved it the next she didn't. I think her anxiety stemmed more from the amount of people there more than the water. She refused to get in an innertube. The first time I tried to let her float on one you would have thought I was torturing her. So I just let her lead, walk where she wanted and just explore on her terms. She was much happier with that!

Blake was the swimming man! He had SO much fun! He played and played and played! He was not sure at first but once he warmed up he loved it. He did not want to do the slides - they were too fast and splashed in the face. But other than that the kid loved it. I think I will take him back sometime just me and him.

Brogan was the real water kid. He had no fear and LOVED every second. It was pretty impressive. He was going down the little kid slides by himself.

Ahhh, isn't she cute? We could not have had this fun day without the help of Auntie Kristen and Grammy. They are the best! I am so thankful I have such special people to help me do fun things with the kiddos.
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