We FINALLY got to go camping! I have been dying to go all summer - but our area forgot to start summer until July! :) The kids had been asking to go for weeks too. While camping the only thing that the kids wanted was to see a deer! They had been asking allll weekend if we would find one for them to see. There had even been 2 times that one waltzed through our camp but our kids were never around! We ended up staying an extra night - just for fun :) - and right as we were taking the kids into bed this deer came through camp again. It was so cool! The kids LOVED it, totally made the camp trip!

It.Was.BEAUTIFUL up there! Loved it and these three munchkins!

The big boys, aka Braden and Nathan, are a favorite with my kids! They are great older cousins too!

Chilling at the campfire with some of my favorite people!

Our home away from home! :)

Brogan and Madison

We found an awesome spot to throw rocks in the water. Gorgeous and enteraining for the kids!


Katie and Baby James

Most of the kids - we were missing 4 I think! They were enjoying the first campfire of the trip. It was a little scary to me to have that many kids by a fire...but they did great!

Ahhhh...first camping trip!

Miss Megan

Who are these cute kids???

They were each telling me that they "Are SO excited Mommy!" And that is after a 3 hour drive and wandering around way past bedtime trying to find a campsite. Which brings me to the most exciting part of our trip. The area we were camping in did not have a lot of big sites for the amount of people in our group. It was getting dark, cold and late and we had to do something just for the night. So we pulled into a spot that had a guy - nope it was a lady - we just thought it was a man already camping there. A mountain man actually. But she was a mountain lady. Who apparently did not want us to stay in with her in the 20 spot campsite. Seriously, there was a lot of room. We were not going to stay more than the night because there was a scary fast river about 5 feet away. TOO many toddlers for that nonsense! So the first thing she started doing was shooting her gun. Thankfully not at any of us...That lasted for an hour or so. Then she let her 2 rotwiellers and 1 german shepherd roam around in our camp area and TERRIFY our kids! Thankfully they were fairly friendly dogs. Next she tried smoking us out! I don't know what she did to creat the amount of smoke that she made but it was a lot. I have to say I was a little scared to go to sleep that night. But between all the guys that were there we had plenty of guns for protection if needed. :) But it wasn't. When we packed up to leave the next morning Max asked her if we could drive through her spot. She replied with "Sure, if I had known you were leaving last night I would not have been such an _____" Yep. She really admitted that. All we could do was laugh.
After we found a new campsite - that was AMAZING - and free of crazy, shooting, mountain ladies we had a wonderful time! The kids slept great and were very good! Jason made some delicious food in all his newly acquired toys and lots of good friends to talk with! Can't wait until our next trip!

Cams excited!

And Blake too!
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