For my mothers day request I ask for a fun day in Boise just as a family! I wanted to take the kids to the zoo and then eat at a yummy restaunt. Jason had to be gone for work on Mothers Day which was a bummer. BUT he made up to with a great day!

The only bummer was that we were all 5 sick. We thought the kids were better and ready for an outing - but they weren't! Jason and I both felt AWFUL but decided to power through since ya know, Jason schedule is CRAZY and is not home a lot. It was still great and I glad we went just sad it was while we were all sick.

Best Daddy ever - looking at the tigers. They were popular with the kids.

The giraffs were my personal favorite!

The boys loved the wagon we got to use at the zoo. I just pretended not to notice how dirty it was and how many yucky germs were on it. Am I a clean, germ nerd (ok, say it - FREAK) yes and I am proud of it. Germex asap in the car. Anyway, moving on...

We went to Tucanos for lunch. DELISH! One of my favorite places to eat! And - it's a pretty good deal at lunch, AND kids under 6 eat for free! They were counting on triplets under 6 when they made that rule. Works AWESOME for us!

Enjoying the grub
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