been trying to learn to coupon. challenging but fun when i get a good deal.
started food storage. love feeling organized and prepared.
been putting my blogs into super cute books. can't wait to read them.
been trying to get more serious about eating healthy and working out. blah...i reeeaaalllly like bad food. jason is a stud though is eating healthier than i can imagine (while working a crazy physically hard job) working out and has lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks.
been trying to get more serious about eating healthy and working out. blah...i reeeaaalllly like bad food. jason is a stud though is eating healthier than i can imagine (while working a crazy physically hard job) working out and has lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks.
speaking of jason, he is busy this week climbing 150 foot metal power lines. makes me a little bit nervous. especially since they can't strap onto the structures on their way up. just free climbing baby. not cool. he tried to assure me that they strap on as soon as they get to the top. that's great babe, just hope that he doesn't slip and fall at 149 feet!
the kiddos are so fun yet so challenging right now. can't decide if i wish they would hurry up and get older or sloooooow down. :) love being a mom to them either way!
the kiddos are so fun yet so challenging right now. can't decide if i wish they would hurry up and get older or sloooooow down. :) love being a mom to them either way!
this is a good year, jacob gradutated highschool, bianca gradutated college and is getting married, kristen is having a baby (!!!), sage is coming home and my parents are moving back. whew...
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