The week before Easter the kiddo and I went to Boise to visit Grammy and Grandpa Martindale. (It's so weird that they are now G&G Martindale!) Since we didn't get to see them over Easter and Jason was called out for a few days on some emergency stuff we packed up and went to hang with them! It was so fun! We always have a blast over there! They are such AWESOME parents and grandparents! I would be lost with out them!
(Madison looks grumpy but she's not - she was super happy just couldn't handle the lemon!)
Anyway, we decided to go out to eat one evening at Goodwood BBQ. THE BEST food ever! I think it is my new favorite even over the Texas Roadhouse (other than the rolls!) Anyway, the kids were GREAT!! So well behaved and being very funny! Cameron LOVED the lemon slices! He was sucking them dry, licking them and saying YUM YUM!! He was flirting with anyone who would look at him! He was waving and just belly laughing at the oddest out-of-nowhere moments! SO funny!
(My dad trying to make him look like a redneck! He had stamped their arms at work and rolled up their sleeves!:))
Blake wasn't sure about the lemon, he kinda just held onto it but didn't want to taste it. He did a great job coloring but wasn't enjoying our outing as much as the other two. :) He wasn't loving the food either which I just couldn't believe!! I even ordered their very first meal, you know off the kiddie menu! Oh, they are growing up so fast! :) He was good and happy but just kinda of chilled that night! :)
Cameron being the ever smiling, flirty, happy boy he is!
HAHAHAHA! Yep, they are sour! :) The funny thing is she just wanted more and more. But every single time she tasted it this was the look we got. But then she would go again! Too funny!
Madison trying our the lemons too!
She was sitting next to my Dad and he was feeding her off of his plate. She was really loving the fries he was giving to her. She watched my Dad and while he wasn't looking she snuck her little hand over and snatched a fry, dipped it in ketchup and ate it! I wish we could have recorded her - she did over and over until my Dad finally caught her. SOOOO funny! Then she started eating ketchup plain....not so sure about that!
So cute, Tasha! Glad you guys had a great visit!! We give our kids the lemons, too when out to dinner. Heehee. It's dinner and a show! Although, my little Ella seems to like them and doesn't make much of a face at all! (:
I love those first lemon faces! So cute. And, Gray still loves to eat ketchup plain-yuck! (:
Glad you had fun-your kids are so sweet!
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