We had a wonderful Easter! Such a special, wonderful holiday! Without this special day, we would not have the hope for life that we do! The magnitude I don't think we often grasp. I have been meditating on Easter's special meaning this year. The pain and suffering our Savior went through for us. I get a headache, and boy that bothers me! HE had a crown of thorns PUSHED down into his head. I get a papercut or a sliver and whine about it hurting. HE was whipped and beaten like an animal. I get my feelings hurt so easily about the dumbest things. HE was mocked, spit on and abandoned by those he loved most. HE did that all to save a bunch of sinners. People who don't deserve that kid of love, HE gave it freely and fully! And, HE would have gone through it all if I was the only person to die for. Pretty humbling!

These are GREAT family pictures.
Darling photos, Tash!
Thanks girls!
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