It's been a pretty busy couple weeks! We went to church as a family of five for the first time two weeks ago! That was fun and a lot of work! I don't think I heard a word of the sermon. Brogan was being dedicated last Sunday which was special to be able to see! We love that kid!! We went out to eat also for the first time and that went pretty smooth! We did have lots of hands to help though, I am not sure how it would work with just the two of us. :) We went to our church last Sunday and it was a huge hit! Everyone was happy to see the babies. We have such a wonderful church family!!

My mom helped me do some planting and we got our front porch done up with some pretty flowers! My mom has such a green thumb and it turned out lovely! Can't wait for them to start blooming. They probably need some sun...... Karli came over last week which was SO fun. She is helping me on a project for Kristens wedding present (way late I know!!) I am so excited about it and I think it is going to be way cute.

The babies are doing great! Getting big and keeping me on my toes. They have been getting a lot more demanding lately which makes for some pretty hard days. The last few days have been hard ones. They have been pretty cranky (from shots I think) and not eating well or sleeping well. That makes for a tired momma! I have been having a hard time with some things just weighing down on my heart lately. So the two things combined have made it hard. But I just keep trying to focus on the positive - some days it works and others not so much :) - and remember how much God has blessed me.

Cameron has started a new clucking sound with his tongue that is SO SO cute! I love it! I need to get out the camcorder and document it. Madison has started pushing up on her knees..... It's so cute to see them start to learn things. And Blake has started rolling around a lot more. THey are growing up so fast!
Well I think that is kinda caught up. It's going to be a fun busy weekend so I better hit the hay to make sure I have the energy to make it! :)
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