The second part of the day was spent at my families house. We had more food! YUM! Pork ribs and steak, cheesey potatoes, homemade bread and coconut cream pie!! Oh, I wish I could eat it again! :) My Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Jean came over to celebrate with us. Kristen and Sage came over too for a whilee. It was nice to have them there also! We also did Jacobs birthday party too. He is 16 - WOW! All grown up! :) We had fun playing on the trampoline, opening presents and visiting. It was a good day!
I don't think there is even close to enough room on this blog to talk about my mom! She is an amazing lady! I don't know where I would be without her! She is special in SOSO many ways! I think back over this last year and am so blessed to remember all she did (and does daily) for me! She supported me, encouraged me, brought me whatever I needed, kept me company, took me to the hospital and drs, cleaned my house, organized the babies room, and continues to do all those things daily for me now! WOW! I know that doesn't cover everything either! And all that doesn't count raising me and loving me all my life. So thanks Mom! I LOVE you and you are one of my very best friends! THANKS!
AND NOW I AM A MOM TOO! I LOVE YOU WONDERFUL LITTLE MIRACLES! I thank God for you everyday and am still in awe that I have you! Who would've thought I would grow up to have triplets???? : o ) Jason and I spent the rest of the evening together. He makes me feel like the perfect Mom! He got me a sweet card and candy and gave me some mad money! YEA!! He made me a wonderful breakfast and helps me wherever possible! He's a great guy!
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