Friday, May 29, 2009

8 Months

Where does the time go? These last 8 months have just flown by! Well, this last month not quite as much.... The kiddos have been having a hard month. We had such a wonderful schedule down: Eat, play, fuss, nap, repeat. Not so much lately. I don't know if they are teething or just going through a stage. It's so hard to tell with little ones when they can't just tell you what's going on. So the last month has been something of a challenge for Mom! Most days I don't think I will make it. But regardless of all that, we love these babies! They are healthy and growing and learning new things everyday! It's so fun to watch them discover new things. I love it! We are so blessed to have Cameron, Blake and Madi! :)

*Quite the charater! He is our little clown
*He is into screaming these days. Mostly when he is mad or upset. He also does quite a bit when he is happy too! :)
*Laughs, smiles and giggles
*Rolling like a pro! Get's stuck a lot and that frustrates him a lot!
*Not been a good eater this past month - still trying to figure out what's going on there. When he does eat it's about 7-8oz per feeding. We are down to 4 feedings a day.
*LOVELOVELOVES any food! He loves the baby food but REALLY wants our food! :) He would eat it all day.
*Starting to figure out a sippy cup. Mostly just practicing.
*Clucks his tongue - SO cute! :)
*Been pretty crabby this last month. We don't know if it's teething, sickness, a phase or a combo of both! :)
*Probably weighs 15lbs maybe a little more.
*On the shorter side and very chubby, love that! :)
*Says dadada and babababa, loves to talk.
*One of the loves of my life!
*Such a sweet guy! Very quite, studies everything.
*Pretty easy going guy, has learned to throw fits though! They are pretty few and far between.
*Has started rolling and moving around a lot more. Still kinda gets stuck on his belly and he does not like that at all!
*Great sleeper at night and nap time.
*Walks really well holding your hands
*Still LOVELOVELOVES to bounce in his jumper(or anywhere else he feels he can try it! :))
*He has still been eating like a pro, about 7-8 oz per feeding. He is also down to about 4 feedings per day.
*Is still not sure about solid food, we are still working on that one.
*He has started to talk also, does dadadada and then coos alot.
*He is tall and lean.
*Weighs somewhere in the 15lb area
*Another one of the loves of my life!
*Is our funny, sweet, dramatic little one!
*She is full of life and smiles, and let's you know whatever mood she is in! :)
*She moves everywhere! We have to wrap her up tight in her crib or she rolls all over and ends up on her belly and HATES that cause she can't get off in her bed.
*Has started to get up on her hands and knees.
*Good night sleeper, soso nap taker.
*She laughs very easy these days which is so cute.
*She has not been a good eater the past month either, but when she does eat she eats about 5 1/2oz.
*Is down to 4 feedings a day also
*Loves her food! Has started on teething biscuits(so have the boys)
*Loves to talk and a coo and shriek! She sticks her tongue out while she talks - so cute! :)
*She is still so tiny! I love it! Can only wear newborn size shoes still and is in 3-6 months clothes depending on the brand.
*Probably 12-13lbs now.
*Has also been pretty crabby, I think the same combo as Cam might apply.
*The third love of my life!
(And of course Jason is number one! ;) )

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ahhh...... I don't even know where to start! I am feeling SOSO discouraged as of late! I knew being a Mom of triplets was going to be challenging but right now I wonder what God was thinking when He decided to choose ME to do it. I feel so overwhelmed with parenthood. They have been so fussy lately and I don't know why. Are they hurting, are they sick, just cranky, not enough sleep, do they like me? They just don't seem happy very often and I don't understand why. I feel like already I am not making them happy, like I am doing something so wrong.

They are changing so much and are needing new things I don't know how to change their schedule to make it work right. I am so worn out just trying to get their bottle in them I don't know when to do their solid food. Cameron screems all the time. By the end of the day I am emotionally drained from listening to it. It's so hard to tell if somethings wrong or what's going on in there.

I have always been a pretty patient person - not so much anymore! I feel like I am never patient or loving enough. I feel like I am not cut out for this job.....

BUT - I know the Lord will be my strength, I know I need to turn to him! I am so thankful that I have Him, that I have my wonderfully supportive husband, and so many wonderful helpers that bless me with their time and love. I know I will get through this and I will look back one day and laugh and wish for these days again! I think that is part of my problem, I don't want to regret this time. I don't want to waste my time moping or being discouraged. I want to take joy in this amazingly precious journey I am on and not waste a second of it!!! But some days (and it feels like most days lately) I am struggling to stay above water.

This is kinda a downer spill your guts kinda post. Which is so not me, I am usally pretty private. But, I want to remember it all. I so often put on a happy face, I can handle anything and everything is perfect kinda front. Twenty years from now I want to look back and see the good times and the hard ones and see where I was and how God brought me through. I do love those babies, Cameron Blake and Madison! They are so special to me.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A little something special

My dear sweet sister-in-law, Katie got me such a sweet special gift! This necklace with all three of the babies names on it. One name on each circle. I can't even begin to put into words what it means to me to have these babies! Not much more than a year ago I was told I may not be able to have kids. We went through years of drs, drs that really didn't know what they were talking about and wasted our time and money, lots of money and waiting and waiting and waiting. And wondering if we would ever be blessed with children. And now, we have not only one, not two but THREE precious babies!
So, getting to wear a necklace like this is pretty special to me! Such a sweet girl to think of it! THANKS Katie! You are a dear! : )

Mothers Day - Part Two

The second part of the day was spent at my families house. We had more food! YUM! Pork ribs and steak, cheesey potatoes, homemade bread and coconut cream pie!! Oh, I wish I could eat it again! :) My Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Jean came over to celebrate with us. Kristen and Sage came over too for a whilee. It was nice to have them there also! We also did Jacobs birthday party too. He is 16 - WOW! All grown up! :) We had fun playing on the trampoline, opening presents and visiting. It was a good day!

I don't think there is even close to enough room on this blog to talk about my mom! She is an amazing lady! I don't know where I would be without her! She is special in SOSO many ways! I think back over this last year and am so blessed to remember all she did (and does daily) for me! She supported me, encouraged me, brought me whatever I needed, kept me company, took me to the hospital and drs, cleaned my house, organized the babies room, and continues to do all those things daily for me now! WOW! I know that doesn't cover everything either! And all that doesn't count raising me and loving me all my life. So thanks Mom! I LOVE you and you are one of my very best friends! THANKS!

AND NOW I AM A MOM TOO! I LOVE YOU WONDERFUL LITTLE MIRACLES! I thank God for you everyday and am still in awe that I have you! Who would've thought I would grow up to have triplets???? : o ) Jason and I spent the rest of the evening together. He makes me feel like the perfect Mom! He got me a sweet card and candy and gave me some mad money! YEA!! He made me a wonderful breakfast and helps me wherever possible! He's a great guy!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mothers Day - Part One

Mothers Day was one busy day! I think one year we are just going to hide at home and VEG ALL DAY! :) It was a good busy though! I love being able to spend time with all the family - especially on such a special day! We had a good time! Danny had a bbq with lots of yummy food and good company. Aunt Boo got all the moms BEAUTIFUL hydrangea (sp?) bushes! I will have to take a pic of it! She is such a sweet thoughtful lady. So here are the pics of the McKinney side!
Thanks Rene' for being such a good Mom and raising such a good guy for me to marry! You should be very proud of the kids you have! What a great family to marry into!

This week....

Man, I REALLY hope we are in a phase - a SHORT phase right now! These kiddos are having a rough week (and so is Mom!) They are not napping, barely eating and as a result very cranky. It's been rough, they just fight me hard when I am trying to feed them. I keep thinking maybe they are not hungry but they cry and act hungry before I start so I just don't know. Maybe they don't feel good..... Wouldn't it be great id we could speak baby???? :) But - we will make it through! And, there has been some fun things this week too!
On Monday I went to Karli's house for a few hours. She helped me work on a project and we had lots of visiting. Well as much as you can get in with four kiddos and two adults! :) We had a ton of fun! It was so nice just to have some girl time! Poor Grayson wasn't too sure about all those babies! Especially with his mom holding and feeding them. And they were playing with his favorite toys! :) I guess we will just have to be around him more! This was his first time around them since we couldn't have the babies around little kids.
Tuesday my Mom and Bianca came over to help me out. It was a quick visit but fun! Bianca went with me to Wal-Mart to help me get groceries while my mom watched the kiddos.

Tomorrow I get another date with my hubby and a very full and fun weekend coming up!
This was cute! I had Cameron on the other side of the room on his blanket. He had been fairly fussy so when I heard him start his screaming/crying/grunting act I took a few minutes to get in there. When I came in this how I found him, poor guy! It was pretty funny! :) Somehow he rolled himself all the way over there and managed to get stuck under the coffee table!

Friday, May 8, 2009


Is kicking my hiney! I am SO exausted and SORE! But I am loving it! It's a great program and I think it will have some great results. Jason is doing it also. It's fun having something like that to do together.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

This and That

It's been a pretty busy couple weeks! We went to church as a family of five for the first time two weeks ago! That was fun and a lot of work! I don't think I heard a word of the sermon. Brogan was being dedicated last Sunday which was special to be able to see! We love that kid!! We went out to eat also for the first time and that went pretty smooth! We did have lots of hands to help though, I am not sure how it would work with just the two of us. :) We went to our church last Sunday and it was a huge hit! Everyone was happy to see the babies. We have such a wonderful church family!!

My mom helped me do some planting and we got our front porch done up with some pretty flowers! My mom has such a green thumb and it turned out lovely! Can't wait for them to start blooming. They probably need some sun...... Karli came over last week which was SO fun. She is helping me on a project for Kristens wedding present (way late I know!!) I am so excited about it and I think it is going to be way cute.

The babies are doing great! Getting big and keeping me on my toes. They have been getting a lot more demanding lately which makes for some pretty hard days. The last few days have been hard ones. They have been pretty cranky (from shots I think) and not eating well or sleeping well. That makes for a tired momma! I have been having a hard time with some things just weighing down on my heart lately. So the two things combined have made it hard. But I just keep trying to focus on the positive - some days it works and others not so much :) - and remember how much God has blessed me.

Cameron has started a new clucking sound with his tongue that is SO SO cute! I love it! I need to get out the camcorder and document it. Madison has started pushing up on her knees..... It's so cute to see them start to learn things. And Blake has started rolling around a lot more. THey are growing up so fast!
Well I think that is kinda caught up. It's going to be a fun busy weekend so I better hit the hay to make sure I have the energy to make it! :)