Friday, March 29, 2013

Crazy Day

The kids and I spent the morning in the Doctors office today, that's always fun right?! The boys have this really weird thing going on. They both (at completely different times) have been randomly throwing up. It's always early in the morning and they have NO symptoms. No fevers, no aches, no lasting sickness. They throw up 6 or 7 times and then they are done. They eat big meals and play as if nothing ever happened. It has happened about 3 times in the last month for each boy. Spaced out by a week to week and a half each time. Our last episode happened yesterday which was I decided to go get it checked out. The doc thought it was weird as well, especially cause the kids are so healthy. She went on and on about how healthy the are inside and out! Pretty good for little preemies huh?! God is good! So by the end of the appointment she decided maybe a blood draw was what we should start with.

Uh-oh! You know a blood draw means right???? NEEDLES! POKES! SHOT LIKE PROCEDURE! Cam heard when she said she would order the labs. He looked at me with a pannicked look

Cam : "Mom, what are labs? What are labs Mom? What are they going to do to us? MOM???"
Me: "They need to get some of your blood to make sure you guys are nice and healthy and stop throwing up. "
Cam: "HOW do they get my blood?"
Me: "Ummm....with just a little needle, a teeny tiny poke!"

He cried up as we checked out, cried as we walked across the street, cried as we checked in and cried as we waited. Poor guy, the whole time just kept saying "Mom, I don't think I like needles and pokes. Mom this scare me!" SAD! Once we got into the room the REAL freakout began! Remember there was 1 mom to 3 kids! BAD ratio! I am trying to sit in a spinning chair and hold Cam down (and calm his crying and screaming that has got MUCH louder and more intense!) all the while keeping Blake and Madison away from the chair and calm also. Because by this time, Madison has started crying! Her face was so sad and scared! She told me later she cried because she was so sad for her brothers! (SWEET!) and Blake crying harder and harder because he knew (and was watching) what was coming for him! Whew.... Cam got done and I try to get him to calm down and stand by Madison so I can hold Blake. When I turn to him he starts screaming bloody murder. Oh my! That boy is strong when he is scared. It took all my strength to hold him down and he still jerked right as they were sticking him which shoved the needle in and quickly yanked it out. So he go two pokes. When it was finally done it took me quite a while to calm the boys down. Madison was such a helper though. She patted the boys and told them it was ok. She helped pick out prizes for them. I took them out to eat when we were done and the boys wouldn't eat with their right hand - apparently it was incompacitated! They ate left handed which made them look like kids who had never fed themselves before! Madison continued to take care of them which blessed me so much! We went to the park after and magically they could use their arms again. Hmmmm....

We got home and went straight for naps! We were all SO tired! I was emotionally drained! It is pretty sad and stressful watching your kids be scared, fall apart and be pricked! I was also a little embarassed at the fits.... We had a talk when we got home about having to obey and be calm EVEN when it's something scary. Results come in on Monday. If everyithing looks good there we will move on to allergy testing.

We ended our day with the Good Friday service at church. It was a very nice service and a good end to our day. It leaves me with a heavy heart but in a good way. Remembering what my Savior did for me, how he suffered. How awful it was. But with the knowledge that Sunday is coming! And what a day that was! Looking forward to Easter and all that it means! Love that the kids are beginning to understand, learn and watching their hearts soften.

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