My birthday weekend! I look forward to my birthday weekends every year! It's always such a fun, special time to hang just with Jason.
We spent the rest of the weekend just relaxing together! It was so nice to just sleep in and lounge around the house. That doesn't happen much anymore! We ate out still for most of the meals since it was kinda a vacation...Jason smoked us one delicious dinner though - he is getting to be a professional! Sunday we went to church then headed to the movies and saw Captain America. After that we went and picked up the kiddos who were very happy to see us. I think Kristen was the happiest to see us though, she was worn out. It's hard work taking care of three 3 year olds! I was so blessed by my special weekend with my best friend! SO thankful for Kristen who just loves to love on my kiddos!
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