A couple weekends ago we went to McCall for the weekend with my family. My Dad had won a stay at this really nice cabin from the Walk for Life and saved for when Sage came home for his R&R. We all went, all 13 of us. Our little Martindale family of 4 has grown quite large these days!
We had a blast! Lots of eating, playing in the snow, watching movies and visiting. We did a lot of relaxing and it was wonderful! It was fun to all hang out too. We are not all in the same place very often, so it was nice.

BIG icicles!
Love this guy!
Love these two guys!
Uncle Sage did the boys hair...nice huh??

Cameron and Silas reading together.

Playing dominoes - Madison style. Sage would build them and Madison would knock them over.
The view outside the living room. I missed the best shot, there were more beautiful mountians covered by the fog. But it was a pretty view anyway!

A nice view of Madisons food - and the family with our YUMMY breakfast. We had a lot of good food that weekend! :)

We found a great but kind of dangerous sledding hill. There was a very big dip that messed quite a few people up. Me included. I was SURE I broke a rib for a few hours. I survived. Jake and Silas were in a lot of pain after this one. Silas didn't sit much for the rest of the weekend!

Breakfast at the Pancake House.

Jake is an awesome Uncle! The kiddos love him so much!

Love my little family!!

Sage styled his hair to match the boys. What a rockin group!

Yes, I do claim him as my husband! :) It was -1 out there and this is what Jason came out to play in. I think this poor man has worked out in the awful weather conditions for far too long! He is becoming immune!

Aren't they cute?

Aren't they cute too???
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