Not me. Not yet anyway. Kristen gets the party first! :) (Love ya!) Sage has had to be gone a lot preparing to leave, so he asked me if I would plan a surprise party for Kristen. It was SO fun - I got to spend Sage's money and plan a super fun party! I love shopping with other people's money! Haha...

We pulled it off wonderfully! We threw an old fashioned ice cream social. My mom found some wonderful glass dishes of all sizes for the toppings and goodies. There were a lot of sweets it was sugar overload but it was WONDERFUL!

There were a lot of sweet friends and family came to celebrate with us.

Oh, I am drooling right now...wish I had some more!

Kristen you are a sweatheart! I love you dearly! She is one of my dearest friends that I treasure so much! Throwing her this party was so fun and I am so glad I got to do it!

We had some very cute kiddos partying with us!

Aunt Jean, Grandma and Courtney

Grammy, Blake and Joshua

Jacob and Hilary

Isn't he just the best Granpda - good entertainment for all the kiddos.
Love you so much!
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