Sunday was a busy day. We went to church - as a family, SO nice!- came home and had a LONG nap! Love Sunday nap times. Jason went cyote hunting with Brian, Max and Mike. Sound fun huh? Those boys! The kids and I went over and enjoyed the beautiful sunny day with Katie and Sheila and all the kids that includes. It's getting to be a lot of children between all of us. We walked, visted and ate some yummy food!
Monday was pretty uneventful. My Mom and Dad came over for an hour or so to try and get their grandbaby fix. I don't think it worked - they left wanting to play more! :) They sure are attached to these kids. I LOVE that! :) The rest of the day went smoothly which was a blessing for me!
Tuesday was a catch up on the house work and LOADS of laundry that needed done. Grandma Danny came and watched the kiddos for an hour so I could get some groceries. It's nice having her so close to our house, and she is so willing to come play with them for me! Tuesday night was home group, and it was wonderful. Jason is finally home for a while and going to these things with me which I LOVE!!! Kids did really good with the babysitters too - YEA!
I did get some sad news that my Aunt Jean had a stroke on Tuesday morning. She is like another Grandma to me!! She has lived with my Grandma and Grandpa Jones since my Mom was a little girl. Her children were raised their with my mom and her siblings. That was hard news to get. She is recovering very well, they were able to get her to the hospital within the hour window needed for the special medication they can give. It made a HUGE difference. She did have to have another surgery today, there was another blood clot and some arterys that needed cleaned up. She did well in surgery and now we are just waiting to see how she does. PLEASE be praying for her! She is such a special wonderful lady and I love her dearly!!
Wednesday Kristen came over and visited for a while and played with the kiddos. Love that girl and had fun with her. Rene and Abigail came over after that and babysat the rest of the day so I could go and visit Aunt Jean in the hospital. I was able to spend a couple hours with her. It was such a blessing - Thanks!! When I got home I had my new pink and gray triple jogging stroller waiting for me! WAHOOOO - can't wait to use it! Jason has it all ready for me - so tomorrow's 60 degree weather will be just perfect! Went grocery shopping for the evening and the came home to my honey!

{a pic of my new stroller!! YEA!! Are you supposed to get this excited about strollers?}
Today was just plain rough! The last couple days has been a challenge with the kiddos. Mostly Madison, but put all three of them together.... :) She has just really been throwing fits and having a hard time obeying and being nice to the boys. I lost my temper a few times and was feeling thourghly overwhelmed and like a terrible Mommy. Very discoured! I was looking through the blogs of some friends I like to keep up with and was TOTALLY bless when I read this. THANK you Amber! You are a sweetheart!! (She's a GREAT photographer if anyone is looking! :)) Totally encouraged me and made my day! Isn't God good to use other to encourage each other??? Tonight I had the blessing of meeting with Dawn for Bible study/descipleship. I am very excited to see where God is going to take me and show me in this study with her. I am so blessed that she was willing to do it too!
That's the week so far - there's a FUN weekend coming my way!!
Great stroller. It will be fun for the 4 or 5 of you get get out and get exercise and fresh air. Not so fun in stores, doesn't go down isles. :) Double strollers don't even do that well. :) LOL Enjoy your blogs. Keep up the good work as a mom.
3John 4
Yea, it will be good for outside! :) I have a really long one for the isles! You are right - the double ones are too wide too! Thanks Eunice! :)
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