Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Madison - OH - Madison
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Playing a little catch up
Saturday I manned the kids while Jason got a little work done. He hasn't been getting much done becuase by the time we get to the weekend I am in some serious need of help!! :) So thankful for him!! Then that afternoon my mom had the great idea that she would come get the kids and they would keep them overnight. YEA for us!! :) We went out to our fav mexican place, El Erradero, and had yummy dinner. Then we went to the movies and saw The Green Zone (not impressed by the way!). Then we came home and just enjoyed the night to ourselves!
Sunday we SLEPT in, like REALLY slept in! That was SO nice, when you have reallllly early risers for kids you realllllly appriciate the sleep in days! Then we went to Dennys for a super yummy breakfast! They do the dishes for you there, SO awesome! ;) Went home, worked on a couple projects and then I headed to Boise to pick up the kiddos. Jason headed to Boise to pick up a motor. WHOLE other story - don't get me started! Haha.... I went and played bball with my mom and the ladies at her church. SO fun!! Loved it! My Dad had the kids all by himself so we could go play, (He is an AMAZING Grandpa!!) he took them to the park to play and then went to the drive thru at McDonalds and got french fries and milk for them. He brought them over to the church to cheer us on. They were so good too! It was so cute to see them parade into the gym, then they just sat down and ate fries. Cameron would clap anytimes someone cheered! So cute! We finished bball and went to visit Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Jean. Aunt Jean is doing so well - but definately still needs prayers! Good to visit with them!! And they LOVE a chance to see the kiddos! Then we all went out to dinner for Italian with some friends from out of town. They graciously allowed me and my three kids to tag along! :) Then headed home with some very tired kiddos!
Monday was back to the daily grind. We had a GREAT day! Such a blessing!! Happy kiddos with lots of good obedience! Thank you Lord!!
Tuesday - BAD day! :p Lots of cranky babies and LOTS of disobedience!! :( Madison is getting two molars in so I am sure that has something to do with it! She has not been sleeping well because of it so that makes a difference too! Cameron has 1 molar coming in, and Blake has two of the front teeth coming in. He's a little slow on the teeth! :) I got to go to Boise on Tuesday night and visit little Megan, Jennifer and Max in the hospital. SO fun! Did a little shopping and headed home.
Wednesday was another just hang out at home day. Sheila and I loaded the kids up for a walk - which we are doing most days around here! It's so fun to have them close enough to do that everyday. Sometimes there are more of us walking and it's really starting to be quite the train of kids! My new jogger works SO GOOD by the way!
Today was a so-so day. We had a rough morning and a pretty good afternoon. I spent the nap time today cooking and baking. We played outside for a long time too, which the kids just can't get enough of. I took dinner to Max and Jen and got to hold the little cutie again! Then off to Bible study and home for bed!
Been a good week overall! It's nice to sit and go through what we did and remember that life is good. Sometimes in the the daily grind of poopy diapers, and tantrums, and trying to bath 3 toddlers all at once, clean, cook, and so on.... I forget how really blessed I am how the good definatly outweighs the hard times! And God is good!!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Another Baby (not for us! :))
Saturday, March 13, 2010
First Hair Cut
Ahh, happy now! No hair cut for her - she just felt bad for the boys! :)
Thursday, March 11, 2010
What's been going on...

Monday, March 8, 2010
We always keep the door the bathroom closed because, well, I just don't want to deal with it. :) Today my Mom and Dad came over for a little while. Before they left, they used the restroom. I didn't think to check and make sure that they had shut the door because I am just used to it always being shut. Let me add though, that my kids KNOW without a doubt that they are not allowed in the bathroom unless we say so! Anyway, I was trying to clean up from the big breakfast we made, Madison was helping me by wanting me to hold her the whole time so it was going pretty slow. It finally registered that the boys were being pretty quite so maybe I should just peek in on them. I had seen them head in that direction so I just assumed they were in their bedroom playing. BUT NO - when I came around the corner there were they boys playing in the toilet! CAN YOU SAY GROSS!!! I am a serious germaphobe clean freak so i was definitely not impressed. Although, I did discipline them for I have to give myself a pat on the back because I was able to see the humor in it - just not in front of the boys! :) We have been doing some minor changes and fixes in the bathroom so it was TRASHED anyway, and all sorts of fun "toys" laying around to play with in the toilet! One of them being a sponge - a pretty big sponge! Which guessing from the amount of toilet water on the floor and the boys I am guessing the figured out how to dip it in the water, fill it up with water and squeeze onto the floor! When I walked in the room Blake had his hands on Cameron supervising and Cameron had his head IN the toilet and was apparently shaving the toilet bowl with my razor. I am still laughing/gagging! I wanted to take some pictures but figured letting them know that was NOT OK was higher on the priority list! Hahaha.....
Another cute thing I walked in on today was Cameron and Madison kissing! In another year or so we will make sure they understand that open mouthed kissing is not appropriate for siblings! :) It was SO stinking cute though!! I spend a lot of my day breaking up fights and arguments that it's so sweet and blesses me SO much to see the kiddos loving on each other too! They have been doing it more and more. This is the first time they have kissed on the lips :) but they are giving out lots of hugs and loves to each other which I love!
Oh, what will tomorrow hold.....
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
I'm getting SO bad at this
Cameron my personal comedian! He is such a laid back, sweet, fun loving, funny guy! If God had given Cameron to me as a single, first baby I would have had a HUGE head. I would have thought, this parenting thing is CAKE and I can have like 1o kids. God knew what I needed! Haha...seriously though he is an easy kid. He has his moments like anyone but for the most part is happy. Lately he has gotten vocal and selfish about his balls he LOVES so much. It doesn't matter what kind of ball, tennis, bowling, basketball, football, he LOVES THEM ALL! He hoards them. He sit in the middle of the room with as many balls as he can and screams if the other kids get too close. We have been working on that..... You have to see it to believe how much he loves them. It's so funny! This kid has an arm on him too, and I am not just saying that cause I'm his mom. He is VERY accurate and can throw pretty hard. His newest thing he loves is hiding. I have a desk in the living room right now that he loves to crawl under and then pulls the chair in so you can't see him. He hides under the table in between the chairs, he hides under the high chair. Usually has a few balls with him too. Outside with the jungle gym you usually find him underneath with a couple outside balls. He can also climb it and go head first down the slide but mostly chooses to be under it. :) He is going to be my talker, he will copy most of what you say to him. He can say: amen, teeth, dog, mommy, daddy, grandpa, aunt boo, bottle, how rude (hahaha...copied me the other day), no no (he holds his hands to his chest and says no no to things he is not supposed to do.), banana, cracker and apple. And I am sure more I am missing. He is by far our best eater and our chubby little man. The difference between him and Blake is funny! Blake is tall and lean and Cam is short and chubby! He is wearing mostly 18 month clothes too and size 4 wide shoes. He is just starting to throw some fits get mad when he doesn't get his way. He turns the water works on when he gets in trouble and makes me feel so guilty - but don't worry we don't give in! He is a belly sleeper - it's the only way he sleeps. He belly laughs all the time, it's so contagious and one of my favorite sounds. He is a mommys boy all the way! He knows where his eyes, ears, hair, tongue, mouth, nose and belly button are. Cameron is such a sweet, fun, happy boy and is such a blessing to me!