Here is all 3lbs of Madison joy just hours after she was born. She was such a fight and a little spit fire from the very beginning!

Here she is now - full of life and fire! She is as stubborn as both her Daddy and her Mommy (which if you don't know us that well - IS REALLY STUBBORN! :)) She is a joy, growing up so fast learning so many things! One of her newest accomplishments - using a straw cup! This was the first time they tried them and as you can see the straw didn't come out of her mouth all night. There are not a lot of big changes happening right now, just little differences and looks that I see each day that show her growing up very quickly right before my eyes! She is a smart little cookie -too smart actually! :)

Here Mister Blake Man - 3lbs 15oz teeny tiny and fighting to breath! He scared us a lot not wanting to that one little important thing!
Here is now - my super tall skinny boy who figured out all that small stuff like breathing! Now he uses is lungs very well! :) He is learning to follow instructions very well which is impressive! He is very good at sitting and reading books also - not sure what language he is reading in but reading all the same! :) He was having some trouble with hitting but has really improved and has been working on it! All in all he's a pretty sweet kid! He's growing and changing so quickly too - I just can't keep up!

And then there's Cam who came into the world weighing 3lbs 6oz and struggling too! Always alert though - from day one! He would just lay there and watch you. SO cute!
Now - he's our beefy boy ready to be a line backer! This kid is built! :) He remains our happy go lucky child! Rarely ever grumpy, laughs all the time and LOVES to eat! This kid can put the food down! His second love are BALLS! He LOVESLOVESLOVES balls! Maybe he's gearing up for a pitching career too! He's got a good arm and good aim! Struggles with sharing but we are working on that. His third job will be a comedian - funny kid! He keeps me laughing he is such a goof!

I am thankful for my kiddos then and now! They are such a blessing and they keep me humble and on my knees! A friend just told me that kids are our spiritual sandpaper, shaving off all our rough edges! Isn't that the truth!
Yay! Aww, they were so teeny tiny and now they're so big... oh and so cute too! :)
Thanks Jannicka! They grow up wayyyy too fast don't they!
Having fun watching them grow up. Funny, I only live 5 miles away and I only see them on a blog. :)
Eunice - I didn't know you guys lived that close? I thought you lived in Fruitland - not that that's far away either! :) Haha...come down and visit any time! :)
cute cute kids. Love them and you! Hope things are going well!
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