Well time did tell last night! We were up with one baby or the other (Cam joined in shortly after I posted) until 3:30am. Finally they went to sleep only to wake up at 5:30am. I finally gave up a 7 and we alll got up for the day. It was the longest night of my life. I don't know what was wrong but it was something. Thank the Lord that my parents were around to help, I don't know what I would have done! It's hard when there are 3 babies to 1 parent ratio!! :) It seems like such a little thing - sleep - to allow doubt to creep in over. But I did, around 2:00 with all 3 babies crying and nothing I was doing helped. I wondered where God was and why He didn't care and why in the WORLD He wasn't helping. But there was a small voice in my head telling me HE knew what was wrong, and in this life I may never understand WHY things happen or don't happen but He see's it all. If only I could learn to trust more completely and not falter so easily. My Mom also reminded me this morning (she was thinking the same things last night) as we listened to the babies CD for bedtime and the song "Jesus Paid it All" came on. HE paid the ultimate price, and showed me just how MUCH He cared for me by dying on the cross for me! How easily I feel christians (and definately ME!) forget this!! How it turns into a good story we tell but forget how REAL and meaningful it is! What a wonderful reminder that was! So thankful for my Mom, for her love of our Savior and how faithful she is to speak into my life! I just pray now that IF another night happens again - I will have learned my lesson this time! That in the midst of the storm I would remember these promises not only in the calm! So thankful for a faithful God who won't give up on me! Even though I have to come crawling back for fogivness MULTIPLE times a day! I am also thankful for me dear Dad who loves and worries about me so much and loves these babies so much too! He was the strong point, the calm point for me last night! He helped just as much as us "moms"! He helps discipline (though it BREAKS his heart!) and loves and figures right along with us! AND I am thankful for my husband who although he is far away (which that breaks his heart!) is ok with me calling at 2:30 in the morning cause I just need him to walk through it with me, and he does happily! Even though he has to get up and go to a HARD job, in the awful weather, day in and day out! He is always putting us first and more than happy to do anything he can!
Well, I have been asleep since 7:15. Had a short break from sleeping and I think I better get back to it! Have a lot of sleep to catch up on! Especially since I have been lacking for a year and a half now! :)
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