We will miss him so much. Not even a year since Grandma died! They were they cornerstones of our family! Because of that though they taught us how to be a great close family and I pray that will continue even though they are not here to enjoy it with us.
Grandpa was such a funny great man! It's hard to explain him! A few years ago he pulled quite the stunt! Picture a old man, a classy, successful businessman. He decided (with the help of my cousin Stacie) to see what it was like to be a bum. He got some old, dirty tattered clothes, blacked out his front teeth and made a sign that said "Will work for Beer!" He then stood on the the street corner (in front of their business) with sign for hours. I can't remember what happened just that he did it! 

He also started our Winnebeggo fund for his grandaughters. Every month we paid dues and have saved money for about 10 years now. He was very good with money and investing and wanted us to learn the same thing. So he would have meetings with us, help us invest and make decisions. It was a great thing for us girls!
He also taught us how to gamble! Yep, that was Grandpa! Every Christmas, Grandpa would spot us $20 and we would play for hours!! He loved it and we loved it! We looked forward to it every Christmas! I got pretty good too - would walk away with some after Christmas shopping money!! Also on Christmas after a DELICIOUS dinner, Grandpa always had a game of bingo ready for us. He had envelopes of money from $5-100 and we would play until it was gone. Each winner got to randomly pick an envelope if they got a bingo! So fun! He also started a tradition of everyone taking a turn to talk about their year and the blessings in it!
For about 10 years Granpa had been sending out a newsletter to all the kids. He would write some of the funniest things! Sometimes serious sometimes just silly. We loved them - he was such a character! Always full of Grandpa's advice!
The stories could go on and on about the things (some good some bad :)) that he taught us, the things he did for us and the time he spent with us. He was a wonderful man! My Dad said that he accpeted the Lord last year afer Grandma passed so we are holding to that hope that he did and is now in heaven and happy!! He will be soo missed!! I am not ready to say goodbye and I can't describe the hurt. But - we have to! So I will just try to remember the good times and remember how blessed I was to have both Grandma and Grandpa Martindale! They left such an amazing legacy for us to carry on!
what a great tribute to him Tasha-those are some neat memories you have of him and how awesome to have had the opportunity for the babies to know him a little too.
I'm thinking of you and your family and praying for you all. Love you.
I'm so sorry for your loss, Tasha. Praying the Lord will fill those torn and empty place left by your grandpa's passing with more of His peace and joy in cherishing those special memories. Blessings!
Tasha- I'm very sorry of your Grandpa's passing. It sounds like you were very close to him and he was an inspiration to you. That's wonderful to hear especially in our generation who tends to disregard the elderly. I'm thinking of you during this difficult time and also rejoicing with you that you'll see him again in heaven. -Julia
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