We had another fun successful camp trip! We were worn out (and sick) when we got home but it was worth it! Well, maybe not the sick part but I have a feeling they would have been sick anyway. We were there for three nights and four days which is a long time for us. The kids were SOSO good!! The only bad part was at night - they didn't sleep well at all! But, they were so out of their element and probably got a little cold so I don't blame them. We tried to keep them bundled but little movers make it kinda hard! :) We went on one ridiculously long drive and the babies did AMAZING! Not one cry or upset peep! They slept or talked or played! Their mommy had a harder timet than they did! I still get pretty upset and scared whan we go out on some 4wheel drives/roads(because of Jason's accident). They ended up taking a road that TERRIFIED me and I ended up having a bit of a meltdown! Jason was so good though - he stopped calmed me down, talked me through it and then we just waited at the bottom of the hill for everyone else to come back down and move on. Such a sweet guy! We did end up finding a very secluded lake which was kinda cool! The next days drive was so much better and a lot of fun. We went to sheep rock and hiked around. It overlooks hells canyon! SO pretty! Thanks to Brian and Sheila who helped us pack our many babies on the hike! The stroller wouldn't fit and we only have one back carrier! Better get some more! :) Kristen and Sage got to come with us for the first time too which was so fun! It was nice to have Kristens help with the kiddos! and packing up on Monday would have been a little hectic but Aunt Katie and Aunt Sheila came to the rescue! We had lots of good food an good talks around the campfire! Oh, and Sheila and I tried to give all 4 babies a bath in her teeny bathtub in their trailer! It would have worked good but for some reason Blake FREAKED out and was SO upset which set my other 2 off and it turned into a serious rodeo! Good thing we had some back up come in! It ended up taking Jennifer, Sheryl, Sheri Joe and Susanna to get the job finished!Now think about 4 babies/toddlers + 6 adults in one tiny trailer! HAHA!! Jen got most of the pics so I still need to get those from her to post! It was funny! All in all - lots of fun!!!
For some reason my pics won't post so I will have to work out that problem than put all the cute pics we got!!
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