Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A trip down memory lane....

Cameron Jason McKinney - 3lbs 6oz 16.5in Born first at 11:50am

The first time I saw Cam!

BARELY fit in his car seat!
Daddy and Cam!

First time I held Cam - I had to wait ALL the way until the next day! Cam was the only one ready to be held at that point.

Cameron a few weeks old - tiny little man!!

Going home day at 1 month old and 4lbs!

Blake Brian McKinney 3lbs 15oz 16.75in Born second at 11:51am

My first time meeting Blake!

One new little baby!

Our big boy just hours old! He had a much harder time than the other two. It took quite a while for him to learn how to breath. We had to wait quite a few days before we could hold him! :(

Another tiny little man but he has always had big hands!

My first LONG awaited hold of my baby boy!!

Blakes first outfit! Such a fun day. Pumkin hat doesn't match but they had to have those on so they didn't loose their body heat which in turn would make them work to hard to stay warm, burn precious calories, loose weight and take even longer to come home!

Jason loving on Blake before we took the other two home! That was the hardest day of my life! I felt so bad leaving him there and taking the other two home! But he needed that little extra time and joined us a week later. I don't have coming home pics of him. :( We were way deprived of sleep at that point - well we thought we were! We didn't know what was coming by adding just one more.....SO, no pics but such a WONDERFUL day!

Madison Joy McKinney 3lbs 1/2 oz 16 inches long Born last at 11:52am

Here she comes Getting taken care of right after she was born. SO SMALL!!

My first hold with Madi just a couple days old! They had SO much stuff on them!

Daddy doing Kangaroo care - skin to skin contact has been proven to help them improve faster. We did a lot of it!

Soakin up some rays.....
Love this girl

Madisons first outfit! It was preemie size and she was DROWNING in it. About 3 weeks old.

Going homefor Madison! 1 months old and about 4lbs. She REALLY didn't fit in the seat. I was kinda scared to drive her home! Plus we really had to watch their breathing cause they were so small the car seat could make it hard to breath. WOW - that was a scary time for us! SO much to learn, watch and protect them from!
That's my walk down memory lane! Such precious memories. I miss those little babies SO much but I am enjoying watching them grow and blossom! Here's to the next year!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Guess Who's One????

CAMERON, BLAKE and MADISON!! Happy Birthday to 3 of my favorite people in the whole world!!! I can't believe how fast this year has gone by! How much growing and changing has taken place. I miss those tiny babies we just brought in to the world last year at this time, however they are so much fun to watch, listen to and play with right now! Oh, the changes and experiences we have had this year! I wonder what will happen in the year to come???

Cameron is such a funny little guy! He is going to be the little class clown. He knows how to make you laugh. He has the cutest most contagious laugh. He brings so much joy into our home. He is still the big guy of the family. He was weighing in a couple weeks ago at 19lbs 12oz. Cam is wearing 12 month clothes and size 2 shoes. He has really slowed down on eating lately though. He is getting very picky (uh-oh) on his food and it's flavor. He is also not wanting much bottle anymore so I am working on that transition. He is getting really good with a sippy cup and LOVES to drink water. He did love the birthday pancakes I made him today so that was fun! It's so fun to watch him learn his toys - what fits where and how they work. He really like dogs - they love it when our next door neighbors dog barks! He hasn't tried to walk yet but is a quick crawler. He is great at standing and doesn't really hold on too tight. He is very curious and get's into a lot of stuff! Cam just started saying hi! I love it! I walked into his roomto get him out of his crib and he looked up at me, smiled really big and said "hi" in the sweetest voice I have ever heard! His words are: Mama, Dada, uh-oh, dog and hi. He is growing up so fast and is so fun to have!!

Our serious guy Blake is a joy!! He has a very sweet disposition. Although, he has been picking up on the fit throwing really well lately! But for the most part he is just easy going! He is so serious, he smiles a lot but we don't get a lot of belly laughs out of him. But when we do, they are so fun to listen to! He can really get going! Blake is tall and lean! This kid has no fat on him! He is a whole pound lighter than Cam at 18lbs 12oz. He is in 12 month clothes and size 2-3 shoes. He is still learning to like his food but still loves the bottle! He would rather just drink milk all day. But he's getting there. Blake would LOVE to walk! He's has been walking for months while you hold on to him. He hates having his diaper changed - actually he hates having to lay down. He works his abs so hard trying to sit up anytime you lay him down. Blake also loves dogs and I am pretty sure he says dog. So Blakes list of words are : Dada, Mama, dog and uh-oh. Blake is a sweetheart - such a wonderful part of our life!

Madison keeps us on our toes! Her little additude keeps on growing with the rest of her! She is a little spitfire! She is really having a hard time NOT whining 24/7 right now. We are working on it but I have a feeling it might take a while. She HATES being in the car. She used to love it. I think she is just too busy now and wants to go go go! We are working on that one too. :) She is going to walk any day! She has started standing by herself, starting from the ground up. She is getting very brave!! She is a little monkey too! I don't know what I am going to do with her! She climbs on or into everything! It's so cute. She also LOVES dogs! She get's SO excited when she see's them. Her arms just start flying and she says "dog, dog, dog"! She is about 16lbs now. Has two bottom teeth and two top ones coming in. She is wearing 9 month clothes now and size 1 shoes. She is eating very well at actual food time. Not very good with her bottle but loves her food! Madison's words are: Mama, Dada, uh-oh and dog. So cute! I love love love listening to these sweeties talk! We love Madison so much and can't imagine life without her!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

An eventful week!

This week is just full of happenings in our house! Sunday was a super fun day! I got to spend the whole day shopping with Jen in Boise for our birthdays! We had such a fun time. LOTS of shopping, eating and visiting. Can't beat that. We don't seem to get to spend a whole lot of time together so it was fun to catch up!

Monday I went to chiropractor cause I had been having a lot of pain in my arms, hands and fingers. My fingers had been tingling a lot and feeling like they were going to go numb. So I went to the dr and found out that I have carpel tunnel in both wrists, tendonitis going up my arms, and both of those things are pulling my neck and back out of whack! So now, I have to wear wrist braces on both hands 24/7 for at least a week. Then we will go from there......I tell you though - it's hard to change, feed and hold babies with these things on! :)

Tuesday was pretty calm. The babies were really good and Kristen came for a visit. I was able to get a bunch of errands run and get some fun visiting in with Kristen. So fun! It was really nice to have her help for a while. The rest of the evening I fed the babies and put them to bed. It all went really smooth which was nice! I got some really good cuddle time in with Cam which I LOVE!!!

Wednesday was NOT a good day! I woke up feeling fine. Got up to make bottles and change diapers. While I was changing Cam I got some excruciating pain in my side and a serious bout of nausea! I put Cam down and ran to the bathroom. I called my mom cause I wasn't sure what was wrong with me. Thank goodness Grace was there (since Jas is gone) cause there was no way I could take care of te kiddos. Then Aunt Boo came to help Grace out. Grace called her mom to come take me to the doc. Rene' called Danny to come help Aunt Boo and Abagail take care of the babies while Rene' took me to the doc. Then my mom was on her way to meet me at the doc. It was an army of ladies coming to the rescue! I am so blessed to have so many people in my life so willing to help me out! Long story short, 4 hours, blood tests, UA, a shot for the pain, an ultrasound and a prescription for vicadin - they firgured it out. I had a big cyst that had ruptured. It was awful! But the shot helped and I got home and took a nice long nap while my Mom watched the kids. That evening was a little rough when I took my pain pill. Didn't realize how whoozy and sick it would make me feel. I thought I was going to pass out! But Sheila came down to help until Aunt Boo got there. I am doing much better now thank goodness!

And Today....Is the babies FIRST BIRTHDAY!!! WOW! I can't believe it! We have just been chilling and having a fun day! They got pancakes for breakfast and thought that was great! Grammy and Grandpa are coming over tonight which is SO fun! It's been a great day of having fun! Love these kiddos!

The weekend is going to be fun but busy! We are staying in Boise all weekend so hopefully that goes good! :)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fun in the Mountains

We had another fun successful camp trip! We were worn out (and sick) when we got home but it was worth it! Well, maybe not the sick part but I have a feeling they would have been sick anyway. We were there for three nights and four days which is a long time for us. The kids were SOSO good!! The only bad part was at night - they didn't sleep well at all! But, they were so out of their element and probably got a little cold so I don't blame them. We tried to keep them bundled but little movers make it kinda hard! :) We went on one ridiculously long drive and the babies did AMAZING! Not one cry or upset peep! They slept or talked or played! Their mommy had a harder timet than they did! I still get pretty upset and scared whan we go out on some 4wheel drives/roads(because of Jason's accident). They ended up taking a road that TERRIFIED me and I ended up having a bit of a meltdown! Jason was so good though - he stopped calmed me down, talked me through it and then we just waited at the bottom of the hill for everyone else to come back down and move on. Such a sweet guy! We did end up finding a very secluded lake which was kinda cool! The next days drive was so much better and a lot of fun. We went to sheep rock and hiked around. It overlooks hells canyon! SO pretty! Thanks to Brian and Sheila who helped us pack our many babies on the hike! The stroller wouldn't fit and we only have one back carrier! Better get some more! :) Kristen and Sage got to come with us for the first time too which was so fun! It was nice to have Kristens help with the kiddos! and packing up on Monday would have been a little hectic but Aunt Katie and Aunt Sheila came to the rescue! We had lots of good food an good talks around the campfire! Oh, and Sheila and I tried to give all 4 babies a bath in her teeny bathtub in their trailer! It would have worked good but for some reason Blake FREAKED out and was SO upset which set my other 2 off and it turned into a serious rodeo! Good thing we had some back up come in! It ended up taking Jennifer, Sheryl, Sheri Joe and Susanna to get the job finished!Now think about 4 babies/toddlers + 6 adults in one tiny trailer! HAHA!! Jen got most of the pics so I still need to get those from her to post! It was funny! All in all - lots of fun!!!

For some reason my pics won't post so I will have to work out that problem than put all the cute pics we got!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I am Thankful!

I am so thankful for all the faithful friends and family that I have!! I have been so blessed this past week with people willing to help me out! My Mom came over on Tuesday cause the kiddos were just starting to feel bad - so she came as reinforcement. They got worse and worse as the days went by and I was getting WORN/STRESSED out!! Finally on Thursday I decided to take the kiddos to the dr but was having a hard time getting out the door so Rene and Abigail came over to help out. Then my parents cancelled their plans for the day to go to the doc with me and then let me spend the day at their house. Thursday night Aunt Boo came to the rescue to help me out while Jason was working. Friday, I was out of tylenol and formula for the babies so sweet Katie went to the store and brought it out to me. She also brought a pretty bouquet of daisies to cheer me up! The Vicki came over for the day (brought me a caramel maciato (sp?) which was much needed) and helped me out and gave me time for a nap! Saturday Aunt Boo came over again cause Jason had to go to a family work day and helped me again for most of the day. Wow - I ask a lot of people don't I???? :) I tell you though - 3 sick babies is way hard and I would not have made it without all these sweet loving people that are so willing to help us out! We would be lost with out all of them. And of course, through out the whole week Jason was such a support. He had to work a lot of hours at work but was always checking in on us. And as soon as he would get home he would do everything he could to make sure we were all doing ok! What a guy! Kristen was sick all this week too but called and checked in a lot and I have a promise of two days of babysitting!! Whahooo! Can't wait to use that! I better wait until the babies are completely healed or she may never want to babysit again! ;) Thanks to all of you who help and love us so much! You have been such a blessing and we are SO thankful!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Rough Week

Wow!! This has been quite a week at our house! Having sick 11 month old triplets is quite the rodeo! It's been a hard one! It's so hard to see your kids feeling so awful and not being able to do anything for them! It's really hard to have all three babies needing you and once and really phsyically not being able to be what each one of them needs. I think that has been the hardest one me. It's just not possible to hold 3 babies at once, to comfort them the way they needed. But thankfully I have good reinforcements who stop by to help me, give me a break and just love on babies for me!

Cam has a double ear infection. Poor guy! He's been running 101 fever and just looking miserable!! We got him on antibiotics though and he should be doing better in a couple days!

Blake has been running 101 fever also and has thrown up a couple times. That is the saddest thing I have ever seen! They don't even know what hit em! :( We have been giving him tylenol and he should be feeling better soon!

Madi has had a bad cough with wheezing while she is breathing. She's had a really runny stuffy nose and just feeling yucky! I can tell she is doing a lot better and should be all better soon!

They are such good kids though! They are being so good and I am so proud of them! I hope they feel better soon!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

11 Months

Well, they are going to be 12 months in a couple weeks and I am just now doing thir 11 month post! What kind of mother am I??? :) This last month has been so fun and full of discovery! It has been so awesome to watch them grow and learn new things. It has also been very challenging! They are learning to throw fits which is hard. They have been sick and teething for the first time so that makes them a little cranky. And, it's just having three babies who all need/want my attention all the time at the same time. Get's kinda overwhelming! But God is good, get's me through day by day! And I am continually blessed by smiles, laughs and loves of these three miracles God has given me! Here are some stats - if I can remember them! :)

Cameron is such a joy! He is growing up so fast and learning so much! He crawls like a pro, climbs and pulls himself up on everything! He can walk around the table, or walk while holding on to something but is still a little unstable that way. He makes funny noises clucking his tongue, does the indian trick by patting his hand on his mouth and making noise and just learned to wave! All of this he just picked up on his own and started doing! SO cute! He is saying mama and dada all day. Dada is his favorite word, but he is totally a mommas boy! He cries when I hand him off a lot. It does kinda depend his mood though sometimes he doesn't care at all. He is such a clown! He is so funny - it cracks me up! He just laughs all the time and is always being goofy! He is starting to get a little wary of strangers. It varys though and has no ryme or reason to who he is scared of and who is not. He sleeps great at night, not so much during nap times but we are working on that. He is wearing mostly 12 month clothes now and size 2-3 shoes. He LOVES to eat! He usually will eat anything. He is starting to learn what the "good" food is and what's not though and is getting a little pickier. We still do bottles, about 2-3 a day. They are growing out of the bottles but always want them in the am and before bed. Oh, and this kid is a CHUNK! He is weighing in at 19lbs 12oz!! He gained a pound in 2 weeks! :) He's gonna be a big one.... We love this guy-so blessed to have him as our son!!
Blake is a sweetie! He is still our more quite serious kid. Although, when he does get to talking and laughing it's loud and long! :) So funny! He really studies people and just does a lot of watching. He is a fast little crawler! He is walking around hanging on to things - he wants to take off! He HATES to lay down. It's so funny! When I lay him down to change him he gets a great ab workout. He keeps his head as high as he can for as long as he can. So cute! He is really getting scared of strangers! He does not like even being in the same room as someone he doesn't really know. He made an old grandpa very sad the other day! Blake learned to say uh-oh this week! Madison has been saying it a lot (who learned it from her daddy) and Blake just caught on and started too. He's been having fun throwing ALL his food on the floor and saying uh-oh over and over again! Then Madi comes in and cleans it all up behind him! :) He has started to throw some MAJOR -fits! I know, my sweet quite Blake throwing fits - I can hardly believe it either. Except that I see 'em all day long! :) We are working on that.... He is learning to like is real food but still seems to prefer a bottle. He is learning to drink water out of a sippy cup. He is also in a size 12mo clothes. He is SO tall and lanky! The difference between him and Cam is amazing! He is going to be a tall boy I think! He is weighing in at 18lbs 12oz and full lb less than Cam. Blake sleeps good all the time for Mom! I hope the other two catch on! Blake is such a blessing! Love him SO much!

This girl is a little ball of fire! She is going to keep us hopping for the rest of our lives! She has quite the little attitude on her! I don't mean a bad (well, some of it is! :)) attitude either - she is just full of spunk and attitude! She makes me smile so much! She knows what she wants and she lets you know! She is going to walk any day now! She stood up all on her own a couple days ago! She hasn't done it again since but keeps trying! She is a little dare devil climbing on everything. She has no fear! Loves to be tossed, dropped (you know, a fake drop and a catch) spun and anything else fun and daring! :) She walks really well and fast if she has anything she can stand up and push. With that fire does come some fits and angry outburts! We are also working on that! She has been pretty whiney and clingy lately too, they all have been going through a "I want Mom ALL THE TIME" stage. I have my hands full with her, but I wouldn't have it any other way! She learned to say uh-oh about 2 weeks ago and says it ALL day long. It's the cutest thing I have ever heard! It made me laugh so hard the first time she did it! She is a smart little cookie! It's going to be fun watching her grow up! Those boys better watch out for her! She eats regular food pretty well but does not like to take the time to have her bottle. So bottle feedings are harder around here but I eventually win! :) She sleeps pretty good at night but not great napper! I keep praying that changes! She is weighing in at 16lbs! She has finally started growing and putting on some chunk. She is a cutie! She is now in mostly 9mo clothes but they are still a little big and wears a lot of 6 mo clothes. She is FINALLY in size 1 shoes. It took forever to get her out of newborn! And that was hard cause I had a closet full of cute shoes! :) She is such a sweetie and we love her to death!
Well, that's life around here for us! Some days I don't know if I will make it - but then I remember what a special miracle these babies are and wouldn't want it any other way! And, on those hard days when I don't think I can make it through another - God get's me through and I am so blessed because of it! We are on such a unique special journey! Even though it's hard having your babies grow up, I am so excited to see what happens in our family and who these precious little people grow up to be. I pray they see Jesus in our lives and grow to know him and love him with their whole heart and soul!

Happy Happy Birthday....to me!

I had such an amazingly fun birthday! I kinda got a birthday week - those are the best! Last Wednesday Karli took me to lunch and we had a wonderful time! She is such a sweet friend, love her so much! That night Kimi and I went to coffee and talked for 3 hrs straight! We don't get together near enough! It was fun and hopefully Ryan lets her go out with me again. :) Thursday I got all sorts of phone calls and emails, made me feel so special!! Jason surprised me and came home early from work with flowers, candy and a sweet card! I was not home when he got there - cause it was a surprise and I didn't know he was coming - but I got home shortly after and it was great.
Then came the weekend! YEA!! Jason took me to Boise for the night. My parents watched the kids for us. Which was so sweet cause they are so busy and stressed with their move but always willing to help us out! THANKS!!! We stayed at Hotel 43 - CUTE fun place! Loved it!! We walked downtown, found a fun place to eat and then relaxed for the night at our super chich hotel. :) We slept in until 9:00 am!!!! Usually I had been up for hours and just putting the babies down for a nap at 9! We went to breakfast at Elmers (way yummy) did a little shopping and went to the Boise fair. FUN FUN FUN! We went home and had family pictures taken - in a thunder and lightning storm! They were so fun and I think they are going to turn out great.

Sunday my Mom and Dad took me out to lunch for my bday. Bianca, Jacob, Jason and the kiddos were all there too. We ate at Wingers, one of my favorites. The babies were a little hard to handle but we made it through and came back home for Dairy Queen ice cream cake. YEA! And I think that about covers it. It was a great birthday!! I am so blessed to have so many people love me and make me feel special.