Wednesday, June 24, 2009


We had a GREAT time camping. It would have been better without the rain but it was fun anyway. It pretty much poured the entire time we were there. The kiddos got a little tired of being cooped up in the camper because of all the rain but they still did good! The first night our battery died at 3 in the morning and it was getting really cold! I was getting pretty worried about the babies so Jason had to get up in the cold/wet and rain and go get the battery out of his truck to get us through the night! :) It worked and we stayed toasty warm for the rest of the night. Just as a disclaimer - had it only been Jason and I we would have lived through the cold but we had to keep it warm for the babies! :) I can't wait to go again - all in all it was a great first camping trip with three 9 month old babies! I think they are going to be campers!!

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