A great sleeper (most of the time)
Eating 2 1/2 ounces now
Weighs 7lbs 14oz
Is SO alert
Loves to look around, kinda bug eyed most of the time
Holds his own bottle for a couple minutes at a time
Is our laid back guy - unless he is hungry! :)
Sleeps ok, getting better
Eats about 3 ounces
Weighs 8lbs 6oz
Very strong!
Becoming more alert
- Our sweet little girl
- She is the fussy one of the bunch
- Starting to be more happy during her awake time
- Quickly becoming the best sleeper
- She has started to be more alert - so CUTE!
- Weighs 6lbs 12oz
- She is wearing newborn clothes now :(
- She can hold her own head for quite a while
- Eats more than the boys!
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