Thursday, October 23, 2008

We will miss you Grandma!

Grandma passed away last night. Her body just couldn't do it anymore. But praise the Lord that she knew him and is now pain free and with her savior! We are going to miss her so much! What an amazing woman she was! She was such a strong successful lady. She could do anything! She had quite a stuborn streak too, I think she passed that on to me! And how she loved to shop (that was definatley passed on to me!) She could shop all day with the best of them. It was something she would take us to do often. She always spoiled us when she took us too which is fun. Every November for as long as I can remember she would take all six grandaughters and all our moms shopping for the day to pick out our Christmas presents. We always started with breakfast at Elmers then would head to the mall for hours of shopping. We would always stop for lunch and then do some more shopping. A lot of times we did dinner too. It was something we all looked forward to every year. Last year we almost didn't do it but it caused such an uproar we still went.

She was an AWESOME cook too! She could cook anything and always without a recipe. She has made our Christmas dinners since I can remember too. Every year it's quite the feast! Prime rib, mashed potatoes, fancy veggies......there is always lots of appetizers too. Her and Grandpa started to tradition years ago that after dinner we go around and say what we are thankful for and what happended over the year since the last Christmas. That was always special. Then they had us play Bingo. They had about six envelopes with anywhere from $5 to $100 dollars in it. Whoever gets a Bingo gets to pick an envelope. Then it's present time and Grandma was always the one to pass out presents to everyone. She (and Grandpa) have worked SO hard over the years to make sure our family had wonderful traditions. They have made a family that is so close and best friends.

I love you Grandma! Thanks for all you did for our family!


Mrs. MK said...

I'm sorry...

Lovely post to remember her by!

Anonymous said...

They must be needing a few grandmas in heaven right now because our son's wife's grandma passed away on Tuesday also. Your post about her was very sweet and I'm sure she'll be watching over you and those sweet babies.
Love, Tami

Designerof3 said...

I'm sorry Tasha. We're praying for you guys. Praise the Lord that she's free of pain and with Jesus. We love you guys.