Madison was crawling on Daddy - as she loves to do - so Jason lifted her up onto his shoulders. She was hollering "My climb on you Daddy, my climb." {She does not know how to use "I" it's always "my" I LOVE it! :)} So she is sitting on Jasons shoulders screaming and laughing -as she loves to do- Cam comes running in and VERY seriously tells Jason "You put my sister down, she is a good girl. You better be nice to my sister!" Apparently he thought Daddy was picking on his sister so he better protect her. I really love that!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Fair Time - and some other stuff
{August 5-7}
You know its summer when it's time to go to the fair! I LOVE the fair, especially the food! Can't beat fair food. The kids and I met up with Sheila and all her family to watch her sisters show their horses. While the girls were showing the kiddos had a ton of fun being cute and climbing up and down the bleachers. These cousins are going to be such good friends - I love it!
Sunday the totally amazing hubby I have sent me to Boise for the afternoon. We went to church as a family, headed home for lunch and got the kids down for a nap. Then Jas told me he thought I had worked hard enough and needed a break. I love those lazy just walk around the shops kind of days. They are such a nice break every once in a while. He's a keeper that guy!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Silas and Bianca's Big Day!
Silas and Bianca's big day was June 23, 2011. What a fun, amazing weekend it was! Kristen and I drove up together with Miss Madison on Friday morning. We headed up early to help with decorating and for the rehersal. It was fun to visit on the drive up and to try and keep Madison happy. She did so-so on the drive. She was acutally a pretty big pill most of the weekend until Daddy got there. It was still fun to have some one-on-one time with her. We got there just in time for lunch and met the whole crew at an itilian place then headed to the hotel for naps!
{The getaway car}
That evening was the rehersal and dinner. I slacked and didn't get pictures of either one. The rehersal went great, short and sweet. :) The dinner was DELICIOUS! The Thompsons took care of that and did an amazing job. Enchildads were on the menu. Very fun evening and we ended the evening with a little visiting and going to bed early like the awesome fuddy duddies we are! :)
{Heading to the rehersal and dinner}
Saturday morning we woke up nice and early to go get decorating. It was a really fun morning and everything came together SO cute! My Dad has such a vision for planning weddings! He has the best ideas and knows how to make them come together. He and Bianca together came up with a great wedding! Kristen enterained Madison most of the time cause she is an awesome Auntie! We headed back for some lunch and beautifying after we were done.
{The Amazing Wedding Planner}
My parents got a super nice suite for all the girls to get ready in so all the girls crowded in there to get pretty. It was a pretty quite group which was kinda funny...It was fun though. Melissa D came to the rescue and did Kristens, mine and Biancas hair for the wedding. We all turned out great - she's amazing! Bianca had her hair done once but didn't love it so she asked Melissa to do it and it turned out awesome! After I got ready I dashed out to meet Jason who just got there with the boys. We got them ready and dashed out to get pictures.
My parents got a super nice suite for all the girls to get ready in so all the girls crowded in there to get pretty. It was a pretty quite group which was kinda funny...It was fun though. Melissa D came to the rescue and did Kristens, mine and Biancas hair for the wedding. We all turned out great - she's amazing! Bianca had her hair done once but didn't love it so she asked Melissa to do it and it turned out awesome! After I got ready I dashed out to meet Jason who just got there with the boys. We got them ready and dashed out to get pictures.
The kids did pretty good for pictures. Madison totally hammed it up which was kinda weird for her in front of all those people. But she just ATE it up. Too cute! The boys not so much, Blake cried a little but ended up doing alright. Cam just lost it! Way too many strange people and he just cried and cried. Oh well...They did walk down the aisle wonderfully. I was SO proud of them! They walked down and were the cutest part of the wedding. The ceremony was very sweet. I am so excited for those two!
After the ceremony Jas took the kids back to the hotel to eat and rest. They had a long weekend and were ready for some quite time! I got to stay and enjoy the rest of the reception. Kristen and I stayed to help clean up to because they had a deadline to get out of the park - which we barely made! We all almost ended up hiking out of the canyon. My Dad had to walk half way because we only had one vehicle left, a small, packed truck with only a couple seats. He had my Grandpa drive Mom, Kristen and I to the hotel and then he raced back for my Dad. Whew...We all ended making it out safe and sound though! :)
We all got a good night sleep, had breakfast together in the morning and headed home. It was a really fun trip and a really great wedding! Jason really was super Dad with all the helping he did. He only complained just a little bit about the pictures too! :)
Thursday, August 4, 2011
We are trying to teach the kids to spit the toothpaste out of their mouth instead of swallowing it all. So we have been encouraging them as the spit, telling them they are doing a great job. :) So today I was brushing my teeth and, of course I spit my toothpaste out. So when I did Cam piped up "That was a great spit mom." Isn't it great to get encouragement????
Summer Days
We have been having a fabulous summer so far! Love that the weather is not as hot as usual - so far anyway. We have been speding a lot of time playing in our new kid pool (all except Cam who HATES the water this year, lots of time at the park (kids LOVE that park!), lots of trips to Boise to visit Grammi, Grandpa and Kristen, Camping (1 good, 1 disater), Lots of fun walks and more. We also have spent some time playing at Aunt Boo's house. We LOVE her and she is so good to us. We went and "played" tennis with Aunt Boo and to see her new beach. They also love playing in her house because she has the coolest keyboard that she willing lets them screw up. :) Aunt Boo has spent countless hours playing, helping, staying the night with me, babysitting and just plain loving our little family. She is so special to us and we are so very thankful for her!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Hard Day
Well today was a first for us - a scary first - an ER visti with Cameron. This poor kid has such bad breathing problems. He got sick yesterday morning on our last day of camping (thank the Lord!). It started with another runny nose and cough and by 8:00 the night he was wheezing and not breathing well at all! Lasted all night - the super Dad slept upright in a chair with him to help breath better and keep an eye on him. He was still not doing good this morning so I called our wondeful doctor to see what we should do. BUT he was out of town on vacation until tomorrow and I knew this kid could not wait until tomorrow. So I called an on call doc and talked to their nurse. She told me over the phone how to figure out his breaths per minute and they were borderline. They made me an appointment but said if they got worse he needed an ER visit. About a half hour we decided it was time to go in. His breathing should not be more than 40 breaths per minute and they were anywhere between 48-56 breaths per minute. I took him over to Boise, poor baby threw up on the way over. Didn't have much to throw cause I couldn't get him to eat or drink. We met up with our favorite nurse (my mom) who listened to him and watched him and said we really did need to go in. So she came with me to St. Lukes downtown. Have I mentioned she is super mom and I would be lost without her??? We got Cam admitted and the fun began. First they hooked him up to monitor his saturation levels, pulse and breaths. They were good so they put him on oxygen. They tried to put in a canula but he would have NONE of that. And of course the more upset he gets the worse his breathing gets. So I held the oxygen in front of him for about 2 hours. They were worried about pnemonia so we had to xrays because they couldn't hear well enough. Those traumatized the poor guy! Next the nice nurse gave him 2 popsicles. He LOVED that! Then they came in with some steriods and another popsicle. We had to have a breathing treatment with the repritory specialist. He also had to do 2 puffs of an inhaler that was sent home with us to try and keep and handle on everything. The breathing treatments started another round of hard crying from the sad, scared boy! He really did great though, all things considered. We had some really nice people working with us so that always helps. After 3 hours they decided to release him with a follow up with Dr. John in the morning. The funny part was how rediculously hyper he was after all those meds! Whew...he was going 200 miles a minute! He finally crashed and got some much needed rest. We have him home now on the inhaler and more steroid treatments. We would love some prayers for him still because he is still struggling to breath and I can tell it scares him. He is doing much better though just needs some rest. The stressed worried mommy could use some prayers too. :) So thankful for good docotors, an amazing husband who can take care of anything and never stops taking care of us, and my mom who is ALWAYS there to help out and love on us. I was so blessed to have her with me, an extra set of ears who understands the medical stuff. She was calming for Cam and coming up with things to keep him happy and calm. She was calming for me too! All this after a weekend of LOOOONG hours being on call for work and she never hesitates to jump right in for whatever we need!
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