Thursday, May 27, 2010


YOU ARE NOT MY FRIEND! Normally, I LOVE the rain! Not quite as much since I have had kids - since going outside is a lifesaver. However, I do enjoy the rainy days.
We were supposed to go camping for the Memorial Day weekend. I had been counting down the days and hours for a month now. Crazy, I know. What sane person WANTS to take 19 month old triplets camping??? This crazy mom who is dying to get and have some adventures! I was looking forward to the hikes, drives, campfires, the kids exploring and loving every minute of it.
And yes, we will reschedule of course. I am just really bummed - ready for some nice weather after a long winter.
We have come up with some consolation activities, which as long as my hubby is home and doing them with me will be wonderful.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Catching up on the cuties....

I take SOSO many pictures I just don't know what to do with them all!! I am running out of hard drive and space on my wall! :) So, I just have to put a bunch of them on here instead!
Love Cam's smile - he's always ready to flash it!

My shy little man! Sweet little smile!
Madison cute, cheesy little grin!
Cam just wanted to sit with Madi - she didn't like it. :)
Grammy bought Cameron a basketball hoop! He was in HEAVEN!! (It was for all the kids but Cam's the one that LOVES it!!)
They were so cute - they all piled one the door step on thier own to eat their crackers.
Blake brought me these two shoes and would not stop whining and saying "shoe" until I put them on for him. What can I say - he has his Dads style! :)
They were just giving loves for no reason! Love that!
There is nothing better thn Daddy time!!!

Love these kids! They love this recliner!

I probably should not show off these kind of pictures! He will hate me when he is older! :) We have started working on just a little bit of potty training.

Wellness Challenge

I found this great thing online last week called the Wellness Challenge. It's a 3 month challenge to basically be healthy. I read about it and thought it was a good idea. But some of the things you have to give up I was just not sure about! :) I thought I might do it but was putting it off. I checked back on the website and the deadline was May 16 because it started May 17. So I made a split second decision and decided I was going to sign up.
I am so excited about it. It has been hard - but I think the habits I will form are going to be good! You have to understand - I LOVE LOVE LOVE my sweets! I LOVE unhealthy food. I am not all about the organic, healthy stuff. Of course I try to make sure I excercise and have a balanced diet (I am strict with the kids, but what kind of example is that??? :)) but I usually don't sweat it too much. :0) SO....some of the things I am having to give up are a challenge for me. The hardest part so far though is the water. They want you to drink 48OUNCES OF WATER PER DAY! I know, I know!! I have been told by a LOT of people this is a NORMAL amount of water that should be consumed daily. However, I don't like water and only drink it if I am really thirsty. I have been doing it though and am very proud of myself!!
There are the rules I have been following:
  • Drink 48oz of water per day
  • Excercise 45 minutes per day
  • Eat 2 servings of fruit and veggies per day
  • NO sweets or desserts
  • NO fast food or unhealthy snacks (like chips, have I mentioned I LOVE tortillia chips like no other???)
  • No eating after 8pm (pretty much the only time I eat - after the kids are in bed! Before then I have no time! :)
  • Read 15 minutes of spiritual or uplifting text
  • Write in a daily blog or journal
  • Make 1 personal goal per day

So that's what I am doing! The nice thing about it is you have one free point, per catergory, per week. So if I know I am going on a date or to a party, ect. Then I can save my dessert point for that day. Or if I don't want to excercise on Sunday I can use that point and still mark that I did it. SO that's been nice! I also paid $10.00 to join and at the end of the 3 months the person with the most amount of points wins %80 of the money. Second place gets %15 and third place gets %5. Kind of a nice incentive. So I will keep ya posted! :)

Our New Rides!

We are having SOSO much fun with our new toys!!
I had a surprise delivery last Friday - a new pink cozy coup on our front porch!
My mom had ordered it and sent it to us. What a nice Grandma to spoil us so much!
I had been wanting to buy them for a while but they are so dang expensive. I went out the next week and bought a second one cause 1 car + 3 = lots of fights!
We are teaching to share, but sometimes it's nice to choose those battles. :)
Aren't they cute??? I think I am almost as excited! ;)
Thanks Grammy!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Life Around Here

has been HECTIC!! I was about to type that is slowing down, I don't think that is accurate! :) I think we are all healing up nicely around here but not slowing down!

The last week week and a half were pretty hard. Jason found out plans had changed and it was time for him to go out of town again. That is always hard - not matter how anything else goes. The kids just know something is different when he is gone. I don't think their little minds actually process it but their additudes are not as good. Of course, I think some of that is clouded by the fact that I am with them 24/7 with not many breaks for 8 days. But as I am reminded daily by my dear husband that we need to be thankful that he has a job!

So anyway, the week was going by, somewhat hard. We were staying busy and having fun playdates and things so that really always helps pass the time. We did have good moments too - the days are always filled lots of hugs, loves, kisses and laughing. There were also some nice days to enjoy getting outside which was a blessing! We headed out to Boise on Thursday. I had a doc appointment so my mom took the kids for a couple hours. SUCH a blessing! I had my appointment and then got a little shopping in. We went out to dinner that night and our fav mexican food. The kids were not as well behaved this time but it was just about bedtime and had been a long day.

My Dad went out of town the next morning, Jacob had a track meet the next two days and my mom was working some crazy hours. SO just me and the kiddos hanging out at the parents house. My Grandpa came over and helped out a bit which was really nice. He really loves those kids and has worked so hard to make sure they like him and are comfortable with him. We went to the park a couple days and played which was fun! My Mom bought the kids (mostly Cam) a basketball hoop to keep at their house. Cameron was in heaven!!! He has become ridiculously addicted to basketball. This love has not been taught by us, his Dad would have him love baseball not basketball. But he knows the difference!

Sunday morning my Dad got back and took us out to breakfast. The kids had runny noses and couldn't in nursery and their church doesn't have a cry room. So we went and had breakfast together and enjoyed a quite morning. We got some coffee and headed home for naps. My Dad ended get really sick (he has been battling shingles for weeks now!:( ) I think he over did it going out of town and then helping me out. So he and Madison took a 3 hour nap together. Madison woke up doing pretty good but about an hour later ended up with a 103 fever!! Thankfully I have the BEST pediatrician in the whole world who has nurses that give out their cell phone numbers and the doctor does also! He met us at his office an hour later and sure enough Madison had a double ear infection. Poor baby - she felt awful!!

We headed home that evening and had a pretty uneventful night. Aunt Boo stayed with us and let me sleep upstairs so I could get some rest. (I hadn't had more than 4 or 5 hours of sleep per night since Jason left!) Monday morning was going kind of rough, Cameron just would not stop crying. That is not like him, he is usually really happy guy! SO I decided he might be sick too! We went to Dominicans (NEVER again!) and waited two miserable hours! Cam felt awful I could tell, was tired and hungry and there was nothing I could do. We almost left! FINALLY we saw someone and she said he had an ear infection too. Went home got him into bed and we all rested. Kristen was here and was a life saver!!! She did some dishes, let me get a nap, visited with me and made us dinner! SO SWEET!!!! Danny came over later and brought Cams meds and some groceries for me. She stayed a while and helped out. I noticed during that time that Cam was not breathing well. At 7pm my doc said I better bring him in. Turns out he had a double ear infection and was having resperatory issues! It was a good thing we went!! We got some more meds (our house looks like a drug store!!) for him. My mom met me at the docs which I was thankful for. She took Cam home with her while I ran around to different pharmacies getting Cams meds. We made it home about 11 that night. We all fell into bed and prayed that Jason would get home soon!!! Jas got home early then day, about noon and has been home since.

I was SOSO ready for him to be home and helping me. It's really hard when you have so many babies sick and just want mommy to hold them! Plus I was pretty emotionally and physically shot so it was a blessing!!

We have been having fun and staying busy since Daddy got home! We are in the middle of working out a big remodle and garage being built. I am so excited about it! We are waiting to get some bids back to see if or what we can afford. The best part is, is that Jason will NOT be doing the majority of the work - WOW!! We are both super excited about that!!

Well, all that typing is probably boring to everyone else, but I have to journal and keep a record of these crazy, wonderful times in our life! And I WILL forget if I don't write it down. :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mother's Day Pictures

We had a fabulous Mother's Day!
We celebrated with Rene' on Saturday. We went to Wingers for dinner and then back to our house to visit for a while! It was nice - I am ashamed to say I forgot to take pictures. I know, terrible! But it was good just the same!

Sunday I had a wonderful day! Jason let me sleep in (SO nice!!) then he made me a yummy breakfast and brought it to me in bed! So special, I loved that! We spent the morning enjoying our kiddos and each other. We watched Bob Caldwell on tv as our church that morning. We headed over to Nampa to celebrate with my Mom and Grandma. It was wonderful!
Jason took me to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner and then just spent some time together. It was so needed! We don't get as much time as we used to! :) It was a wonderful Mother's Day! I felt so blessed and special! These kids are some of the greatest treasures in my life!! It's hard, very hard most days. But oh so wonderful anyway! I am so thankful that I am able to have a Mother's Day. We wondered if that time would ever come. God has blessed abundantly!! I can't describe how thankful I am!


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

More to come later - but I just wanted to say
Mom, I love you more than you will ever know!! Thanks for all you do for me and our family!
Rene' thanks for raising the man I am married to - couldn't ask for a better one!!
SO thankful that I get to be called a Mommy - so blessed and loving every minute. I still can't believe that dream came true!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Just a few pictures

Chubby little man - he loves horses now. He says it SO cute!
They have learned to climb into "Daddy's recliner" They were being VERY quite so I thought they must be being naughty - but no they were just quitely sitting together on the chair! So cute!

Blakes new trick - he walks around all day doing this!

Madison riding their favorite truck

Cameron thinks it's so funny to put balls in his shirt but he can't get them out.


Last week we spent a few hours at Jacobs track meet in New Plymouth. We hadn't been able to watch him run yet so I was really glad we could. He is doing so great this year, we are very proud of him! He was even invited to some big meet in at BSU that you had to get pretty high scores to go to - and he placed! :)

Grandpa was showing them off a little. :)

Grandma keeping the kiddos entertained with her favorite way - reading!

Did you ever see anything so cute?? It was a good day! :)
Some action shots