Tuesday, March 31, 2009

6 Months

6 months! I can't believe these guys are already half a year old! WOW!! These have been the most wonderful (and challenging!) months of our lives. We are so thankful and blessed for the opportunity God as given us.

Cameron is such a joy! This last month he has just grown up so much! He has discovered his voice and uses it often! :) He like to scream and laugh and smile! He doesn't smile and laugh quite as much as he used to but it's still our happy little guy. He is working on sitting up by himself. He can hold himself for a few seconds. LOVES to play with his toys. Loves sitting up in the walker. Started eating some solid foods. We have tried carrots and green beans so far. He can roll if he wants but still is not fond of his belly so usally stays on his backs! :)He is wearing 6 month clothes and size 3 diapers. (although the three's are a little big still) He LOVES his bath time, which is so fun. He love love loves sucking his thumb and bib. They all spit up like crazy so they are always wearing bibs - which is why that is what he sucks on! :) He can hold chew toys in his mouth for a little while but then drops them and hasn't quite figured out how to get them back!

Cam just born - 3lbs 6oz Cam 6 months - 13lbs

Blake, our little sweetheart! He is such a quite sweet little man! He has started to talk and smile a lot more. It has been fun to watch him come out of himself a little bit! He rolled over for the first time this month! Yea, he's only done it twice but is just quite content to sit and kick! He is SO funny in the bathtub! He NEVER smiles, and I can't tell if he is scared or what. But he kicks and wiggles and splashes. It's close to impossible to get him washed! :) He also has started to move around in his walker. I am not sure it's on purpose but he's learning non the less! He has also started to eat solids and is still deciding if he likes it or not. He is in 9 to 12 month clothes just depending on the brand and is also in size 3 diapers. We love this kid so much! He is so sweet and wonderful and I think it will be wonderful watching him grow up. :)

Blake just born - 3lbs 15oz Blake - 6 Months old 14lbs

Madison is a sweet, funny little girl! She is loud and loves to laugh! She is starting to mellow out in the temper department! Although she can still throw her temper tantrums and arch her back like no bodys buisness! :) Right now, it's kinda funny, later in life....... We will have to be working on it! She is SO amazing at grabing her toys. She is very coordinated! She can grab anything and it goes right into her mouth. She is finally growing a bit but is still tiny! She just hit a little over 11 lbs. She is in 3 month clothing sometime 3to6 months. She is still in size 1 / 2 diapers. She is also doing really well with her solid foods. She really likes them and is also the cleanest! She is such a wonderful joy! She is going to be a fun feisty little girl! We love her!!

Madi just born - 3lbs 1/2 oz Madi 6 months - 11lbs

We thank the Lord for these amazing blessings!!! We love all three of you more than we can tell you!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

What a week!

*Disclaimer-I thought that I should not only document the good, but also the bad and the ugly!*

I think this past week is up there for me as one of the hardest, longest weeks of my life! There were quite a few times I didn't think I was going to make it until Jason came home! I don't know how all the army wifes survive without their husbands!!! We had a lot (I mean a lot) of tears, prayers, breakdowns, calling Jason and my Mom, and visits from Grandma and Grandpa rushing over to save me. I don't know if we are ALL teething, sick, going through a stage or a combination of all the above but it has been rough! If they were not eating or sleeping (naps were non existatent) they were crying and screaming. If I held them, most of the time that made the difference. But that is also a problem since I have triplets and can only hold two in any sort of comforting manner at a time. as probably any mom can attest, it is the hardest thing in the world to not be able to "make it all better" or be capable of comforting everyone that needs it! I am so blessed to have some very faithful helpers in my life right now! People that check in on me and will come over at a moments notice! Thanks!! I would be lost without you! So we did make it through and now Daddy is home so everything is better! I wanted to write about this not to complaine but to remember. I know one day I will look back and read about this week and smile. : ) Remembering how hard it can be or thinking "that was way easier than having teenagers!" :) This blog is for remembering and as we all know life isn't always happy posts! There are some rough ones in there too!
On another note I have some catching up to do on some of the "good stuff":

This was our first EVER walk! They loved it!

Our Little Basketball player to be!

Three little heads!

Our lifesaver the Podee bottle!!

Our kids do not know how to properly sleep in their cribs
Madison LOVED it outside!

Madison LOVED it, Cameron was sick and Blake was just not sure! :)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Day in the Life

Of triplets!!

I thought I should document the amount of stuff we go through in a day, week and month with these triplets. It's pretty crazy. It thought about trying to get pictures of all this stuff piled up but I didn't, maybe later..... Anyway here are the stats

18 Bottles per day
45 oz Milk per day
24 Diapers per day
2 Loads of laundry

126 Bottles per week
315 Oz of milk per week
168 Diapers per week
One big super sized Costco can of formula per week
14 Baby loads of laundry per week

504 Bottles per month
1260 Oz of milk per month
672 Diapers per month
4 Big super sized Costco can of formula per month
56 Baby loads of laundry per month

It's Always Fun When....

Grandpa and Grami are here!

Jason has been out of town for the last week so my Mom came over to let me go to church this morning and she babysat the kiddos. She even gave them their baths for me, which was a nice for me to come home to! Church was wonderful, so nice to be able to go! And, so convicting!

We came home from church and we all hung out for a little while. It is so fun to see my parents with my babies! They are such amazing Grandparents and just love these babies so much!! We had a lot of fun and the babies were definately being charmers. :)

I got a video of of my Dad trying to get Madison so smile or laugh (it was naptime so she wasn't! :)So he started singing just about every oldies song he could think of. This one was Shantili Lace (I don't think I spelled it right...) I am having trouble loading this video so I will work on it cause it is way cute!