I can't believe we have had our little babies for three months now! They are growing and changing so much so quickly! It's such a bitter sweet time! I love seeing them grow and change but at the same time I hate to see them grow up and not be my tiny little babies! We have been loving this experience! And it has been an experience!
He is such a fun baby! He has always been our alert kiddo. The last couple weeks though he has really taken off! He is wide awake all the time, he barley naps these days. He is happy though when he is awake, just looking and taking everything in. He smiled for the first time two weeks ago and has not stopped since. He is starting to coo and talk - and just grins all the time. The only time he is cranky is when he is hungry. He goes from sleeping to screaming in seconds! And every once in a while he just gets very upset and screams for quite a while. But those times are few and far between. He is up to about ten pounds now and eating 3 1/2 ounces every 3 hours. He is still spits up pretty bad! He has episodes about once a day where it comes out his nose and he's choking and panicking and not breathing. Very scary! So hopefully he outgrows that soon! He is sleeping about 5 hours a night now which is wonderful. We are having so much fun with our happy little boy! I think he is going to be the clown of the family!
Blake is such a serious little boy! He just sits and studies you with his big brown eyes. He is such a little - big - cutie! It is hard to describe Blake, I think he is going to be a very sweet boy! He could sit for hours and just stare at you and take in everything around him, all without ever blinking! :) He did start smiling for the first time on Friday! I think he likes it cause he's starting to give them out pretty freely! I love it! Today he starting a little cooing and talking also. He is a big boy! I think he is going to be a pretty stalky guy! He is weighing around 11 lbs and eating about 5 oz! We had to break out the big bottles for him. Thankfully, Blake doesn't spit up like the other two! But when he does every great while he let's you know! It makes him SO mad when he spits up at all, it's kinda cute! :) Blake also loves to cuddle! He hangs on tight whenever you pick him up. I hope that sticks around! Blake brings so much joy to us, I am so thankful for him!
She is a sweetheart! She is starting to be more alert these days too! She stays awake and happy for quite a while. She sits and looks around with the most beautiful big roiund blue eyes! So pretty! She has started to give us a few smiles-although they are still rare. When we get them they are so sweet! She is staying fairly petite at about 8 lbs but still eats as much as the boys! She does have the scary spitting up episodes like Cam so hopefully they both grow out of those soon! She is also sleeping about 5 hour syretches through the night. It's so fun to have her! It's been fun to have a little girl around - we just love her to death!
They are growing up so fast! But we are so thankful the Lord has blessed us with these precious children. I am amazed at how special and wonderful they are and that they are mine! WOW! It's so easy to get caught up in the business and how tired I am and forget to just cherish each moment. But that is a good leesson to learn in most areas of our life!
Pictures to come! Right now I get to go to church so I better scoot!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
What a special day! We are so blessed!! Our Christmas was quite different for us this year - but wonderful all the same! I did miss the family get togethers and annual traditions, but it was so special to celebrate with my hubby and three babies! Who knew that is what would be this Christmas!?!?
We were still able to have the family over. My family came over a couple weeks ago for yummy party snacks and Christmas movies! We had such a fun time! However, Jason had to work an eight day work week and I was absolutely exhausted from from taking care of the babies. So - the party went on without the host and hostess! :) Jason went to bed really early and I followed about an hour later! The rest of the family stayed up and partied! And when I got - the house was all cleaned! You can't beat that! I was sad to go to bed but I couldn't stay up
much longer. It's so wonderful to have such and understanding and helpful family. It was a fun memorable night anyway - we will always look back and remember what it was like that first wonderful Christmas with triplets! :)
Christmas Eve was nice a restfull for us. We wrapped a few presents, put on our Christmas Eve jammies, fed babies, watched Fred Claus and had macaroni and cheese for dinner! What a feast! It was a great day, one to be remembered!
We were still able to have the family over. My family came over a couple weeks ago for yummy party snacks and Christmas movies! We had such a fun time! However, Jason had to work an eight day work week and I was absolutely exhausted from from taking care of the babies. So - the party went on without the host and hostess! :) Jason went to bed really early and I followed about an hour later! The rest of the family stayed up and partied! And when I got - the house was all cleaned! You can't beat that! I was sad to go to bed but I couldn't stay up
Christmas Eve was nice a restfull for us. We wrapped a few presents, put on our Christmas Eve jammies, fed babies, watched Fred Claus and had macaroni and cheese for dinner! What a feast! It was a great day, one to be remembered!
Christmas Day was a very busy day! Aunt Boo stayed the night and spent the morning with us. Brian, Sheila and Brogan came over to help with a morning feeding and have breaksfast with us. My family all came on their way to the big Martindale shin dig in Boise and spent some time with the us and the McKinneys came bearing gifts in the afternoon! The rest of the day we spent together opening presents and enjoying our time together!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Winter Wonderland!
Now it's time to just relax and enjoy the day and all the snow! Although, Jason just had surgery on his wrist Monday so that may not be happening! :) Poor guy is not feeling very good! But he really needed it done and since we exceeded our deductable on the insurance :) we thought he better do it! Hope everyone has a very nice Christmas eve.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Thanks Aunt Katie!
And.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATIE! We hope you have a wonderful day!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wedding Bells!!!
It's official! Kristen is getting MARRIED!!! We are all so excited for her! She has been dating this great guy Sage and he just popped the question. He took her out where they like to go shooting together and hid her ring in the gun case. She thought she was getting a new gun for Christmas but instead there was a ring inside!! (Which I helped in the scheming of getting that ring for her! Too fun!!! :) ) They are going to tie the knot March 28th, 2009! I get to be the maid-of-honor which am SO excited about! Kristen has waited a long time for this and God has brought a wonderful man to take care of her and love her forever!
We love you!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
A little of this, a little of that
It's time to play catch up again! I don't know where the time goes to! Well, actually I do - three little babies. I used to wonder if when I was a stay at hom mom if I would get bored....

Friday Jason and I got to go out to his Christmas Party for work. That was fun to get out and spend some time together. The food was very yummy too!! Prime rib dinner, you can't beat that!
Saturday I got to go to a Christmas Tea with my Mom, sister and all my cousins and aunts. Aunt Celeste decorated a table in memory of my Grandma and used all her Christmas decorations for the table. It turned out so nice! It's the start of a new tradition. After the tea we went and walked around the mall like we usally did with Grandma. That was fun, although the mall was very busy! It's that time of year I guess. I was able to get some Christmas shopping out of the way and I found some really good deals! I LOVE finding good sales! Jason stayed home ALL day with the babies so I could go and have some fun. He's such an amazing guy!
The babies got stuffy noses last week. We were really worried that it was going to turn into a cold or worse but it didn't! Praise the Lord!! They are doing much better now! They are getting SO big! I don't know what I am going to do with them! I miss those tiny little 3 pounders! But this stage is fun too! They are getting so much more alert and acting like babies. Since they were preemies it has taken them a while to get to the point where they are starting to interact with you. I got my first real smile out of Cameron today! That was So fun! Of course, he won't do it very often only when he feels like it. :) Madison is our sensitive little girl! She has such sensitive skin! She get's the worst diaper rashes and now has something called sebia (sp???) on her face. It's just a skin irritation but looks terrible. Her face is all red and bumpy and her eye was swollen! We got some medicine for it and it is looking much better! Blake is just truckin along and getting big!! He's about 9 1/2 pounds now and growing! He's such a quite little guy!!
We are looking forward to Christmas with these babies! The house is all decorated and hopefully this week we will do some baking! :) Saturday we have our first family pictures. I am very excited for that!
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